35 Page Excerpt and Dramatis Personae From ‘Mercy Kill’

Over the weekend, Random House quietly put the first thirty-five pages from Aaron Allston’s upcoming novel X-Wing: Mercy Kill online. Included in the preview is the novel’s dramatis personae and a heartfelt note to fans.

There are a few very interesting names listed in the DP for this book. Those of you familiar with the X-Wing novels might find one name in particular to be a pleasant surprise, but I’ll refrain from writing that down here for those of you choosing to remain completely unspoiled until the novel releases on August 7th.

One thought on “35 Page Excerpt and Dramatis Personae From ‘Mercy Kill’

  1. Just a note: the pages are actually the first page of the first twenty-odd chapters, not consecutive pages. There’s also a very cool excerpt from the audio book that hasn’t been released before on the same page under the audiobook tab.

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