We Dreamed a Dream!

And it is nearly a reality!

Cameron Macintosh has released the first trailer for the upcoming film adaptation of the Broadway musical Les Miserables. Those of you who listen to the podcast know that this is my most-anticipated movie of the year – yes, even above The Hunger Games and Prometheus and all those other movies everyone else is freaking out about. You see, I was a drama nerd in high school, and thanks to my teacher, I fell in love with this musical. I’ve seen it five or six times, and I’ve always wanted to see it turned into a film. (The version with Liam Neeson just did not do it for me.) Also, the idea that Hugh Jackman, one of my favorite actors, is playing the role of Jean Valjean fills me with absolute glee.

The trailer features Anne Hathaway’s version of “I Dreamed a Dream,” and, let me tell you, I got chills. Chills, people. I’m not a huge fan of Fantine (Eponine is my favorite character by far, with my favorite song of the show being “On My Own”), and I wondered how well Anne would portray the role, but now I’m completely convinced. And everything else looks absolutely amazing – the scenery, the costumes, the actors. Man, I cannot wait for this movie. Is it Christmas yet???

 (Thanks to the Big Shiny Girlcast for the link!)