Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Beth

We’ve got another submission for the Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest. This art entry comes courtesy of Beth W.












(Click to enlarge)

I’ll let Beth describe this one for you:

My name is Beth, and this is my entry for the “Replace Mara Jade’s Catsuit” competition! Mara Jade and Luke have been my favorite Star Wars characters since my father passed his old and worn Timothy Zahn paperbacks down to me. She was confident, courageous and relentless, all good characteristics for the role model of a 6th grade girl to have. I am now a college student, and looking back I am confused and quite disturbed by “The Catsuit”. It does not serve Mara Jade at all and I could never see my heroine putting that on everyday. It’s too much. Mara’s wardrobe should be comfortable, useful, flattering (but not flashy), and simple. Here is what I always pictured Mara Jade in when I read my beloved books:

Her top is a bit loose, with buttons just under her elbows reigning in the thin fabric so it doesn’t get caught by anything. It is a muted shade of purple, the color of the lightsaber strapped to her waist. Over the top, she wears a khaki vest with black lapels, each featuring a single stripe of Rebel Alliance Orange around the borders. Her pants are just your average beat up khaki flight suit pants, tucked into her Jedi issue boots. At her waist is her weaponry belt, with a silver buckle very reminiscent of the one her husband wears. At her right hip is her blaster and lightsaber, and at her left hip is a carrying pouch and the stabilizing strap for the knife sheath that straps around her left thigh. She also wears a pouch on a cord around her neck. She has two small pockets in her vest and a large pocket on her right pants leg, and each zips closed to prevent loss of equipment. She also wears a pair of black fingerless gloves and ties a black headband low on her forehead to keep sweat and hair out of her eyes. Her hair is loosely braided and tucked under her left ear.

I wish I could send you a better picture, but I don’t have access to a scanner right now. I just took a picture of my pencil sketch with my camera. Thank you so much for this opportunity! It’s so nice to get to see Mara Jade being set free from the catsuit by some of her loyal fans!



Thanks Beth! Remember, you’ve got until August 15th to submit your entries.

2 thoughts on “Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Beth

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