‘Crucible’ Tidbits from Random House: Into the Sunset for the Big Three?

An interesting find over Random House’s product page for Troy Denning’s 2013 novel Cruicible. From their key selling points of the book:

AN ADVENTURE FOR ALL STAR WARS FANS! Everybody’s favorite characters spotlighted in a rousing adventure just like they shared in the “old days” of the classic movies.

FATE OF THE JEDI FOLLOW-UP: Releasing a year after Apocalypse, this is the first book to follow the popular nine-book Fate of the Jedi series. As such it will be eagerly aniticipated by fans desperate to know what’s in store for their beloved Star Wars heroes.

A PERFECT ENTRY POINT FOR NEW READERS! Even if you’ve never read a Star Wars novel before, how could you not be curious to see how our beloved trio of heroes—with the wisdom of age and experience that belie their years—fare in a brand-new heart-pounding tale of action and adventure?

STANDALONE STORY! No need to read multiple books in a series—just jump right in and ride a single rollercoaster from cover to cover.

SETS UP NEW SERIES: With this book, Han, Luke, and Leia are passing the torch to the next generation of Star Wars heroes, and the stage will be set for the next major Star Wars series.

THE HEROES RETURN: This will be the first cover to feature Han, Luke, and Leia since the 1990s!

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING STAR WARSAUTHOR! Troy Denning, just having completed the New York Times bestselling Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi series, is a fan favorite.

Emphasis added.

So will the creative staff really let the Big Three retire and shift the narrative focus to a younger generation? Well, color me skeptical. That’s something that has been discussed for so long that I’ll believe it when it finally happens.

What about the other popular fan theory that one or all of them are going to be killed off in a blaze of glory in this book? This one I definitely doubt, there’s little chance that Lucasfilm will allow that to happen.

I hope Han, Luke, and Leia are looking for a nice retirement community somewhere.

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