Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry From Kataja

We’re ticking down the days until the end of our Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest! Today we’ve got a new art entry from reader Kataja:

My contribution is based on the “no-nonsense tunic/jumpsuit outfits that she usually wore aboard ship” that’s mentioned in The Last Command. I actually found it hard to picture Mara in a tunic – jackets are easier to make look ‘cool’ – but I’ve tried my best. The outfit is matched by a practical hairdo.

Thanks for submitting, Kataja! Remember, you’ve got until the 15th to enter the contest.

4 thoughts on “Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry From Kataja

  1. Pingback: Contest: Replace The Catsuit | Tosche Station

  2. Pingback: Tosche Station Radio – Episode 26

  3. Pingback: Tosche Station Radio #26: Heavy Meta | Tosche Station

  4. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: The Entries | Tosche Station

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