Baseball Writer Realizes Sports and Geek Fandom are the Same Frakking Thing

You might know that I’m a baseball fan. An unfortunate one that chose the hapless Seattle Mariners as his team. In my defense, I blame the fact that I grew up here and it was only logical to pick the Mariners as my team. If I seem testy lately, it’s because they inexplicably traded three cost-controlled years of a good player for one expensive year of a bad player. Argh Mike Morse.

A little while back I wrote about how it was kind of weird that sports fandom is considered culturally acceptable while being a part of more traditional geek fandoms will get you a lot of awkward side glances while you’re on the MARTA to the Peachtree center in Atlanta for Dragon*Con. And I was just wearing a generic Star Wars shirt, you should have seen the looks given to the person next to me in a TARDIS dress.

I’m not the only one that came to the realization that sports fandom and geek fandom are one and the same. Noted Seattle Mariners and baseball blogger Jeff Sullivan came to the same conclusion yesterday while trying to make sense of Star Trek fans arguing over whether the “i” in “into” in “Star Trek Into Darkness” should be capitalized or not.

If they’re odd, we’re odd. If we’re normal, they’re normal. For the sake of another comparison, what’s the difference between debating a capital letter and debating a team logo or uniform? The “i” won’t change anything about the entertainment value of the movie. A logo won’t meaningfully change anything about the entertainment value of a sports team. How is Uni-Watch a thing? People like to share and debate. Their chosen interests determine the things they will share and debate about.

Even if you’re not a Mariners or baseball fan, you should give the whole article a read. Sullivan is one of the best writers in all of sports and baseball and his thoughts pretty much mirror what Ashley Eckstein wrote for CNN’s Geek Out blog a while back and what she said when we interviewed her on the podcast.

Sports fandom and geek fandom? Pretty much the same frakking thing.

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