Tosche Station Radio Joining Majestic Giraffe Productions


I mentioned on Twitter last night that there are some big changes for the podcast coming in the next few days. I also said I’d be detailing the specifics this morning. Well, here we are, so let’s get to it.

Tosche Station Radio will be leaving the Solo Sound Network to join Majestic Giraffe Productions.

Nanci and I were recently given a new hosting opportunity that was extraordinarily generous and could allow the show to grow in new directions. Still, weighing this opportunity against the time we’ve spent with Solo Sound was extremely tough. We’ve been incredibly fortunate to be able to work with Austin and the rest of the Solo Sound staff. Without their framework and expertise, we couldn’t have made it four episodes let alone forty-four. Parting from Solo Sound to this new venture is exciting, bittersweet, and one of the hardest decisions we’ve had to make since we started the podcast over a year ago. We can’t thank Solo Sound enough for putting us in a position to succeed and thrive.

What does this mean for the podcast, though? More after the jump.

We’re going to be teaming up with Majestic Giraffe Productions, a hub for fandom and creativity that’s run by fellow podcaster, writer, and friend Matthew Bowers. I’ll let him describe the site for you:

Majestic Giraffe productions is a collective of writers, photographers, filmmakers, podcasters, game designers — creative people of all interests — coming together to share their passions with each other and the world at large. We believe that making a career out of something you’re passionate about is to be applauded and encouraged, not something to be ashamed of or feel guilty about. We’re here to support each other, get our creations out into the world, and maybe even build a career for ourselves in the process.

Nanci, myself, and the rest of the Tosche Station staff are looking forward to working with Matthew and Majestic Giraffe and helping to grow both their presence and our own. Currently they are home to a podcast that both Nanci and I are incredibly fond of, Wrong Opinions About Movies*. Do be sure to give them a listen!

*As a shameless plug, both Nanci and myself will be appearing on an upcoming episode WOAM to discuss Star Trek 2009.

Now for the five of you not on the staff that actually listen to the podcast, you may be wondering what all of this means for your listening experience.  The short answer is not a whole lot. We’re still a Star Wars focused podcast that will also dive into a grab bag of geek culture spanning a boatload of fandoms. The snark will definitely remain despite our better judgment.

What will be changing is the range of subjects and conversations we’ll be tackling. While we still will remain a G to PG rated podcast for the vast majority of our episodes, working with Majestic Giraffe gives us the opportunity to attack subjects in entertainment and fandom that may be more suitable for an older audience. Things like sexuality in fandom and deeper looks into sub-issues in feminism, for example. Subjects that would be ill-suited to an all-ages oriented podcast.

In other words, every now and then we might do a podcast episode that would earn a PG-13 or maybe even an R rating in order to tackle a subject we find important. We will of course put warnings up whenever we are addressing a topic that might be ill-suited for younger listeners. To reiterate, though, this partnership with Majestic Giraffe will not be drastically altering the content or delivery of Tosche Station Radio. It’s simply going to give us a chance to occasionally broaden the content we discuss and the audiences we speak to.

As a final piece of disclosure, we will be adding a few carefully chosen advertisements to the blog and podcast to help subsidize webhosting costs and occasionally procure some reading/viewing material for the staff to review. The first of those advertisements (the Her Universe boxes on the sidebar) is already live.

Once again, we’d like to offer our deepest thanks to Austin and Solo Sound for being such a gracious host for the first year of our podcast’s life. Without them, the podcast and this blog wouldn’t exist.  Please keep listening to their two fine podcasts, We Talk Clones and the rebooted EUCast. If you haven’t listened to them before, go listen to them now!

We now return to your regularly scheduled fandom inanity.

2 thoughts on “Tosche Station Radio Joining Majestic Giraffe Productions

  1. Pingback: Tosche Station Radio #45: Star Destroyer Bubbles | Tosche Station

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