Rumors: Episode VII focusing on Solo spawn, Disney wants Three Zahn Books

grain of salt

A grain of sodium chloride as seen through a microscope

And it’s time for the rumor mill to sputter to life one more time.

An insider with Nerdvana claims that the Sequel Trilogy will be focusing on a Solo child and grandchild, adding to other rumors and reports that the new films would place a premium on a younger generation of heroes rather than putting Han, Luke, and Leia back in the saddle.

The insider supposedly also had information covering the extent of J.J. Abrams involvement with Lucasfilm and Disney:

JJ’s contract has a clause for all three movies and an additional three of Lucas/Disney choosing if everyone melds well on the first one. This is typical of these types of contracts; gives everyone an out if needed.

So perhaps he’ll be around for more than just Episode VII. Stay tuned? On a final note, there was also a note about Timothy Zahn. If this insider is to be believed, Disney and Lucasfilm are keen on getting Zahn to pen three additional novels. Would these be film novelizations? I wouldn’t think so, but you never know.

Via Club Jade

3 thoughts on “Rumors: Episode VII focusing on Solo spawn, Disney wants Three Zahn Books

  1. Zahn HAS done sci-fi franchise film novelizations before, but if this rumor is confirmed, I hope it’s for original stories.

  2. Hasn’t Zahn mentioned that he hates being tied down for a story? That’s why he didn’t do any NJO because he wanted the freedom to take the story wherever it led him.

    That’s why I doubt he’ll agree to a film novelization deal.

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