Kathleen Kennedy says Lucasfilm won’t go all Into Darkness on Episode VII

Star Trek fans have been having to deal with J.J. Abrams being tight-lipped for ages in regards to Star Trek Into Darkness. He still hasn’t explicitly said who Benedict Cumberbatch is playing. Can you imagine trying to shroud Episode VII and the Sequel Trilogy in that kind of secrecy for the next two years? Thankfully, it appears Kathleen Kennedy can’t either.

No telling exactly how much information they’ll release or when, but at the very least it seems like they won’t be masking who’s playing what two weeks before the film releases.

2 thoughts on “Kathleen Kennedy says Lucasfilm won’t go all Into Darkness on Episode VII

  1. Despite my comment on the podcast the other week, I would actually send all the high fives Abram’s way if he did this for Episode VII. EVERYONE GETS TO BE SPOILER FREE.

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