Review: Star Wars: Legacy #3

Ania Solo’s accidental adventure continues as things just keep getting worse.  Legacy: Prisoner of the Floating World #3 was released on Wednesday and Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman continue to deliver a solidly good book.

This review contains mild spoilers for the issue.

At the end of last issue, Ania, Sauk, and AG-37 stumbled into a blockade in the Carreras system.  Meanwhile, Imperial Knight Jao Assam has decided to go find out for himself what has happened to Master Val.  Unsurprisingly, the false Master Val is unwilling to let that happen and Jao is chased off.  With both groups on the run from the Sith imposter, it’s not long before they meet…

The book continues in much the same vein as the previous issues and it is here that the plot lines really start come together along with the characters.  The scene where Ania and company meet Jao Assam particularly stands out as excellently written.  It is a testament to Beckho and Hardman’s writing that everyone’s reaction to situation feels completely and utterly perfect for each character even though we’ve only known them for a mere three issues.  My personal favorite reaction was Sauk’s posturing with the blaster followed by “Oh good.  I have no idea how to shoot this thing.”  The plot certainly has me intrigued but it’s the characters who are going to keep me coming back and continuing to read which, in my mind, is how it should be.

Again, the artwork continues to be a huge check in the plus column for me.  Everything from the style to the coloring to the page layout is hitting it right on the mark.

My one random observation about this book is that I think is that I think it is going to end up reading really well in collected trade format so if you haven’t been picking up the single issues as they come out, definitely keep an eye out for the trade!

My only criticism is that it would be nice if character names were mentioned more often especially given that this is the first arc and many of these characters are new or at least new to readers who might not have picked up the previous Legacy series.  I had to refer to the previous issue to remember AG-37’s name.  However, that’s something relatively minor.

I continue to give Legacy #3 a 4/5 and look forward to where this series goes next.