Survey Takers at Star Wars Weekends

For four weeks in May and June, the denizens of the galaxy far, far away invade Disney’s Hollywood Studios for Star Wars Weekends. Special events include autograph sessions with celebrity guests, photo ops with Star Wars characters, shows in the Premiere Theatre, the Jedi Training Academy, and the Hyperspace Hoopla. One of the highlights is the Legends of the Force motorcade, aka the parade, featuring Star Wars/Disney characters, members from the 501st and Rebel Legions, and celebrity guests.

Yesterday while waiting for the parade, a cast member approached me, asking if I’d mind answering a few questions about Star Wars and Disney. I don’t think this lady realized how big of a jackpot she’d hit with me, or maybe my Her Universe Rogue Squadron hoodie gave it away. I said, “OF COURSE I WOULD.”

Questions included:

1. Was I aware that it was currently Star Wars Weekends? Considering I was waiting for the parade and wearing a Star Wars shirt, the answer was obvious. Yes.

2. Did I attend Hollywood Studios specifically for Star Wars Weekends? Uh, duh, why else would I be there ? (Here’s a helpful hint: if you don’t want to attend Star Wars Weekends, don’t bother going to Hollywood Studios those days, because it’s mobbed and you will have a terrible time.)

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being lowest and 10 being highest, rate your knowledge of the Star Wars universe, including films, TV shows, books, and video games. I said 10.

4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how big a Star Wars fan would you rate yourself? Again, I said 10.

5. A short (very easy) quiz to gauge my knowledge of Star Wars. I got 4 out of 4.

6. If I could visit any place in the Star Wars universe, where would I go? After thinking for a bit, I answered Corellia. Why? “Because it’s Han Solo’s home planet and it’s awesome.” The survey taker seemed satisfied with my answer.

After the survey, she said that nothing is in the works yet, but Disney will be putting together other research events in the future, and would I be interested? Heck yes! I gave her my name and e-mail address and am ready to tell them “I want more Star Wars at Disney!” Hell, I told her exactly that before she walked off.

I’ve been to Star Wars Weekends nearly every weekend during the past three years, and I don’t ever remember it being as busy as it’s been this year. Star Tours, which normally has 10 or 20 minute lines, had a 90 minute line at one point today. It seems that Disney is paying attention, and wants to please Star Wars fans when it comes to the inevitable expansion in Hollywood Studios. As a shameless theme park enthusiast and Star Wars fan, I can’t wait.


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