Dream Star Wars EU Novels

The slow news period continues, so we’re just going to outsource our content to you. We asked for your dream Star Wars Expanded Universe novels, and you delivered. It seemed like there were some common themes, and one that really stuck out was the desire to see some female characters take the lead of a narrative. Many people asked for Leia, Winter, Mirax, and Mara books.

There were also a lot of people dreaming about a Valin and Jysella Horn novel. And, well …

We’re updating the list throughout the day, all you have to do is reply to this tweet and tell us what you’d love to see from the EU.

To see what people are clamoring for, head to the jump!

  1. Share
    Luke/Mara/Ben or L/M pre VotF. Also anything w/ a female lead. RT “@Tosche_Station: If you could have any #SWEU novel, what would it be?”
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    @Tosche_Station I mentioned this before, but the Adventures of Mirax in the Pulsar Skate: a series by Stackpole starting pre-RotJ.
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    @Tosche_Station I love Nanci’s idea of a Valin / Jysella “We, Jedi” novel written by Stackpole
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    @Tosche_Station My brother, on the other hand, would like a “Tales of the Errant Venture” book. I find no problem with this.
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    @Tosche_Station I would love a Mirax/Mara with Winter/Leia story.
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    @Tosche_Station I would love a Quinlan Vos novel post Order 66
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    @Tosche_Station Talon Karrde: The Making of an Information Broker
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    @Tosche_Station oh oh I know… A Fel family story! Before all the siblings died! #SWEU
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    @Tosche_Station Pre-ANH Leia novel co-starring Winter, Bail, Mon, bel Iblis, Palpy, Sate Pestage, Armand Isard, & with Vader cameos.
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    @Tosche_Station Rise of Darth Ruin, Fourth Great Schism, and start if the New Sith Wars
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    @Tosche_Station Also a Chu’unthor series that culminates with the ship crash on Dathomir. Yoda, Tyvokka, Gra’aton all cameo. Xmen in space
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    @Tosche_Station How about a story about the rogue Jedi who wage war against the Mandalorians several hundred years before ANH
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    @Tosche_Station Mara and Leia team up and fight crime. Or rescue Luke & Han from bad guys. Or both. Galaxy doesn’t end.
  14. Share
    @Tosche_Station A Lara Notsil spy thriller by @aaronallston would be a delightful #SWEU novel.
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    @Tosche_Station #SWEU would love to see a book about Syal Antilles
  16. Share
    @Tosche_Station @nancipants less force mad, saber waving super jedi and more real characters with a good story to drive them would be good
  17. Share
    @Tosche_Station A book about the Rebel spies inside the Empire #sweu
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    @Tosche_Station Matt Stover writing… the death of Luke Skywalker. Yes, I’m serious.
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    @tosche_station I think I’d like to see an post-TTT Mara book… Without Luke, for once.
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    @Tosche_Station Set on Companion Besh, involves no old characters, has no big impact on the galaxy, yet isn’t written like it’s unimportant.
  21. Share
    @Tosche_Station more Karen Travis books!!!
  22. Share
    @Tosche_Station I, Jedi Too A Valin/ Corran Horn adventure. #SWEU
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    @Tosche_Station A novel all about Dooku (like the Plagueis novel) or anything set in the New Sith Wars!!
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    @Tosche_Station A Galactic Alliance era book dealing with a Vong level threat and a clone of Thrawn leading the Alliance forces.
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    @Tosche_Station I think I’d accept pretty much anything new from Stackpole. #SWEU #sadlyadreaminmorewaysthanone
  26. Share
    @Tosche_Station Luke Skywalker commandeers Wraith Squadron for a book. Shenanigans ensue. #SWEU
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    @Tosche_Station I think what we really want is a book centered on a character that is female! FEMALE!
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    @Tosche_Station I’ve always wanted to see a trilogy or series about Page’s Commandos. #SWEU
  29. Share
    @Tosche_Station Dream #SWEU novel would have to be a Vader, Jade, and 501st novel. A lot like Vader latest graphic novel.
  30. Share
    @Tosche_Station Two more novels I would love to read: A Cad Bane novel and a Jacen and Anakin Solo team up novel.
  31. Share
    @Tosche_Station for every future novel to be Starfighters of Adumar. Plot would never progress but it wouldn’t matter, it would be amazing

3 thoughts on “Dream Star Wars EU Novels

  1. Pingback: EUbits: EUC’s #SWEU t-shirts benefit Reading is Fundamental

  2. A Skywalker family novel with Luke,Mara and Ben by Tim Zahn set before Legacy of the Force and Star Wars Episodes VII,VIII and IX in novel form perhaps based on what Lucas would have told it with Luke Skywalker as an Obi-Wan like Jedi Master living as a hermit on Tatooine or in the Unknown Regions taking on a final apprentice and dying in battle at the end of the third book(Episode IX). Also I would love a Galactic Alliance era novel with a Vong level threat with a clone of Thrawn teaming up with an adult Ben Skywalker and leading the GA forces against the new threat.

  3. Or how about a Han Solo novel where Han and Chewie return to the Corporate Sector post-ROTJ and reunite with Doc,Jessa and Bollux and BlueMax and face a new threat there.

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