A Giant Leap For Mankind 43 Years Ago Today

I always get chills when watching this video. It may not have been readily apparent to those watching at the time, but Apollo 11 nearly had to abort the landing attempt on three occasions. The first two were caused by program alarms when the computer’s processor became overloaded. The third happened as the navigation system directed the lander towards a boulder-filled crater, forcing commander Neil Armstrong to prolong the landing attempt and find a safe landing zone. When you hear “sixty seconds,” it’s CAPCOM Charlie Duke alerting the entire world that if they don’t touch down in a minute, the abort sequence will initialize.

But they landed, thanks to the teamwork at mission control, the watchful eye of Michael Collins, the guidance of Buzz Aldrin, and the cool of Neil Armstrong. On July 20, 1969 with seventeen seconds of fuel remaining, humankind set foot on the Moon.