Blurb – Empire and Rebellion: Razor’s Edge

Razor's EdgeThe blurb for Empire and Rebellion: Razor’s Edge, written by Martha Wells, has appeared in the Random House catalog.

Times are desperate for the Rebel Alliance. Harassment by the Empire and a shortage of vital supplies are hindering completion of a new secret base on the ice planet Hoth. So when Mid Rim merchants offer much-needed materials for sale, Princess Leia Organa and Han Solo lead an Alliance delegation to negotiate a deal.

But when treachery forces the rebel ship to flee into territory controlled by pirates, Leia makes a shocking discovery: the fierce marauders come from Leia’s homeworld of Alderaan, recently destroyed by the Death Star. These refugees have turned to pillaging and plundering to survive—and they are in debt to a pirate armada, which will gladly ransom the princess to the vengeful Empire . . . if they find out her true identity.

Struggling with intense feelings of guilt, loyalty, and betrayal, Leia is determined to help her wayward kinspeople, even as Imperial forces are closing in on her own crippled ship. Trapped between lethal cutthroats and brutal oppressors, Leia and Han, along with Luke, Chewbacca, and a battle-ready crew, must defy death—or embrace it—to keep the rebellion alive.

Alderaanian pirates? We were all really excited about this book, but now you know staff writer Bria is going to be allll over this book.

The first novel in the Empire and Rebellion series, previously known as Rebels, is scheduled for release in hardcover and ebook formats on September 24.

(via Knights Archive)

3 thoughts on “Blurb – Empire and Rebellion: Razor’s Edge

  1. Uh! That’s quite a new Leia. Maybe they are finally starting to make good covers of females? 😉 Mara has had proper combat suits on both Allegiance and Choises of One.

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