Ace Space Episode 3: Revenge of the Unnecessary Romantic Plotlines



Welcome to Ace Space, a podcast about being ace and loving space! In our Episode 3 we welcome our new host, Nic! We also talk about the Drowning In Moonlight gala (it’s going to rock), discuss unnecessary romantic plotlines we dislike and the exhalation of romance over other types of relationships in media, and talk about Cole Sprouse’s comments on Riverdale‘s version of Jughead. Are there any romantic plotlines that you find get in the way of storytelling? What are your thoughts on Jughead? And Riverdale? And, continuing from last time, we still want to know if you have a favorite Pokemon region or type or character or whatever. Let us know in the comments below or on our twitter, @AceSpacePod!
The intro music is ‘Goodbye Moon’ by the esteemed Marian Call and the outro music is ‘Stars’ by the excellent Seth Boyer.

You can find Sho on Twitter with the handle @ryorin and you can find Nic with @nicolecieux.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and your support on Patreon. Be sure to subscribe on iTunes/Google Play! You can also subscribe to the Tosche Station Radio master podcast feed  (iTunes/Google Play) for even more great Star Wars  and geek culture content. 

Ace Space Episode 2: ACEttack of the Pokés



Welcome to Ace Space, a podcast about being ace and loving space! For our Episode 2 we talk about some experiences relayed to us by ANONYMOUS LISTENER X and discuss alienation, validity, and changing identities. We also chat about Pokemon (because we want to be the very best, like no one ever was) and read your listener responses to last time’s question about your ace and/or aro headcanons. Also: another drink recommendation from a listener, because you folks are the best.
Do you have any thoughts on the Ramona Blue controversy and/or of portraying changing identities in fiction? Do you have a favorite Pokemon region or type or character or whatever? Do you know a delicious drink that we simply must taste? Let us know in the comments below or on our twitter, @AceSpacePod!
Mentioned book: Ramona Blue
The intro music is ‘Goodbye Moon’ by the esteemed Marian Call and the outro music is ‘Stars’ by the excellent Seth Boyer.

You can find Sho on Twitter with the handle @ryorin and you can find Saf with @Wanderlustin.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and your support on Patreon. Be sure to subscribe on iTunes/Google Play! You can also subscribe to the Tosche Station Radio master podcast feed  (iTunes/Google Play) for even more great Star Wars  and geek culture content. 

Ace Space #1: The Phantom MenACE



Welcome to Ace Space, a podcast about being ace and loving space! For our official Episode 1 we discuss headcanon, subtext, and the vital importance of overt representation. We also talk about some fictional characters we like to headcanon as asexual.
Do you have any asexual and/or aromantic headcanons? Let us know in the comments below or on our twitter, @AceSpacePod!
The intro music is ‘Goodbye Moon’ by the esteemed Marian Call and the outro music is ‘Stars’ by the excellent Seth Boyer.

You can find Sho on Twitter with the handle @ryorin and you can find Saf with @Wanderlustin.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and your support on Patreon. Be sure to subscribe on iTunes/Google Play! You can also subscribe to the Tosche Station Radio master podcast feed  (iTunes/Google Play) for even more great Star Wars  and geek culture content. 

Ace Space #1



Welcome to Ace Space, a podcast about being ace and loving space! For our pilot episode we ask what asexuality and aromanticism are, and discuss our experiences with both identities. We also talk about what we hope to cover in future episodes, and mention why we love Pacific Rim!
The intro music is ‘Goodbye Moon’ by the esteemed Marian Call and the outro music is ‘Stars’ by the excellent Seth Boyer.

You can find Sho on Twitter with the handle @ryorin and you can find Saf with @Wanderlustin.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and your support on Patreon. Be sure to subscribe on iTunes/Google Play! You can also subscribe to the Tosche Station Radio master podcast feed  (iTunes/Google Play) for even more great Star Wars  and geek culture content.