A Solo Report from a Q&A with Joonas Suotamo

When given the opportunity to attend an early screening of a Star Wars film, you say yes and then ask for the details later. Luckily enough, the early screening of Solo I attended on Monday night had a bonus for us: a Q&A after the film with Chewbacca actor Joonas Suotamo. If you’re ever given a chance to attend a panel with him, I highly recommend it. Suotamo is passionate about his role in a very earnest way that leaves you completely charmed. It’s hard not to become a fan of him. I mean… how can you not love someone who delivers all of his lines on set in Wookiee English even though it’ll be dubbed over?

This brief summary of the Q&A will involve spoilers for Solo. Continue reading

Holonet Blast #5

Only a few items of note this week, so let’s get to them!


Michael Kenneth Williams, perhaps best known as Omar on The Wire, has joined the as-yet-untitled Han Solo spinoff film! That’s literally all we know; no character hints whatsoever. Seems like LFL is at least starting to get the “wow, that’s a lot of white folks” memo, though. Faster than Marvel is, at any rate. (Source)

via StarWars.com

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Review: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (audiobook novelization)

Film novelizations are, in their own way, just as tricky a needle to thread as film adaptations of novels. You’re taking someone else’s words and ideas, meant for one medium, and transposing them to another, hopefully doing them justice while at the same time adjusting and adapting them to fit the new medium. At their best, film novelizations can open up the world of the movie considerably, adding more scenes and characters and background information which couldn’t possibly be crammed into a two or even three-hour movie. At their worst, they’re a limp, lifeless transposition of the screenplay, lacking any of the energy or vitality which made the film entertaining. The Vonda N. McIntyre novelizations of Star Trek 2 – 4, or Peter David’s adaptation of The Rocketeer, are examples of the former; the Alan Dean Foster adaptation of The Force Awakens, the latter.

So where does Rogue One’s novelization fall? Somewhere in between. It doesn’t wildly expand the scope of the film, but it fills in just enough gaps in characterization and plot to make it, I’m shocked to report, the first novelization I’ve ever read that I enjoyed more than the film it was based on. Continue reading

Star Wars Film News out of D23

TFA poster

The announcement of Star Wars Land wasn’t the only big news to come out of D23 today.

  • Con attendees were treated to a new Drew Struzan poster for The Force Awakens.
  • J.J. Abrams, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, and Harrison Ford all made appearances at the live action films panel. Kathleen Kennedy was unable to attend as she was bringing her daughter to college. Awwwww.
  • J.J. Abrams revealed the film’s current runtime is 124 minutes.
  • Colin Trevorrow, of Jurassic World fame, was officially announced as director of Episode IX. The movie is set for release in 2019.
  • Rogue One is currently filming principal photography.
  • The standalone films will no longer have the “Anthology” subtitle, but rather “A Star Wars Story.”
  • The cast includes: Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Jiang Wen, Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, and Riz Ahmed.
  • And that Rogue One cast photo below? Yeah. That’s awesome.

rogue one cast photo

The speculation begins in the comments section!

Han Solo Anthology News!

Entertainment Weekly dropped some more articles about Harrison Ford’s return as Han Solo in The Force Awakens, as well as a few tidbits about the anthology film. Here’s the important bits:

  • Kathleen Kennedy says they don’t want to reveal too much information about Han’s backstory, and the movie will surround an event or events in Han’s life.
  • Judging from the film’s directors, and Han’s personality, the movie will be an adventure comedy.
  • The Han film is one of the first anthology ideas they came up with.
  • Han will be in his late teens or early 20s.

Christopher Miller and Phil Lord to Direct Han Solo Anthology Film

Hey look news! Christopher Miller and Phil Lord (of 21 Jump Street and The LEGO Movie fame), have been confirmed to be directing the second anthology film Josh Trank departed. More than that, we now know that the film is going to be about Han Solo.

The next adventure in the Anthology series of Star Wars films will be directed by Christopher Miller and Phil Lord, whose credits include the critically acclaimed The LEGO Movie and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, as well as 21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street. Among the most sought-after filmmakers working today, the two have proven a formidable duo on the multiple films they’ve collaborated on and are looking forward to applying their unique creative chemistry to the Star Wars universe.

So this is going to be a Solo origin movie. Okay, but a Solo origin movie with Lord and Miller? They could do a Boba Fett film and I’d be able to enjoy it (anyone who has listened to the podcast knows how outlandish that statement is).

If you haven’t seen The LEGO Movie, you need to go get yourself a copy, because that’s perhaps the best insight into how well this duo works together.

Josh Trank Departs Second Standalone

Just this morning we posted about the Rogue One news out of Celebration, and mentioned that Josh Trank was unable to attend. Now Lucasfilm has announced that Trank has parted was with Lucasfilm and will no longer be directing the second standalone film.

In a statement, Trank said:

After a year of having the incredible honor of developing with the wonderful and talented people at Lucasfilm, I’m making a personal decision to move forward on a different path. I’ve put a tremendous amount of thought into this, and I know deep down in my heart that I want to pursue some original creative opportunities. That said, the Star Wars universe has always been one of my biggest influences, and I couldn’t be more excited to witness its future alongside my millions of fellow Star Wars fans. I want to thank my friends Kathleen Kennedy, Kiri Hart, Simon Kinberg, and everyone at Lucasfilm and Disney for the amazing opportunity to have been a part of this. May the Force be with you all.

Cue the conspiracy theories and replacement recommendations!

What Celebration Taught Us About Rogue One

rogueOne of my biggest regrets of Celebration Anaheim is being unable to attend the Gareth Edwards panel on Sunday morning. As everyone who’s ever attended a large convention knows, the schedule is a fickle goddess, and I suffered her wrath when she decided to place the “standalone” panel opposite Tosche Station’s live podcast recording. Thankfully, Twitter is a thing that exists, so I was able to learn about the panel as it was happening as well as from recaps on other sites. We didn’t learn a whole lot about Rogue One, but it was more than I was expecting at this point in time.

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Gareth Edwards and Gary Whitta sign on for Star Wars standalone

The Star Wars powers that be certainly aren’t letting us want for news lately.  Star Wars.com has just given us our first piece of confirmed information about one of the standalone films.

From the Official Site:

In addition to the episodes of a new Star Wars trilogy, Lucasfilm and Disney have begun development on multiple stand-alone movies that will offer new stories beyond the core Saga. Gareth Edwards will direct the first stand-alone film, with a screenplay by Gary Whitta. The film is due out December 16, 2016.

Edwards is known for directing the recently released Godzilla while Whitta’s writing credits include The Book of Eli and Telltale Games’ adaptation of The Walking Dead.

No word yet on what the film will be about but release date is December 16, 2016.