Tosche Station Radio #92: Dragon Con ’14 Recap


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Brian and Nanci recap the highlights from Dragon Con on this all-new episode of Tosche Station Radio.

Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight what’s New on the Blog. There’s tons of panel audio from Dragon Con (see below). We did a Go/No-Go for A New Dawn, as well as a full review from Bria. Bria also reviewed Legacy #18, the final installment in the series (as well as the Legends universe).

In Fixer’s Flash, Brian finished A New Dawn and Nanci’s nearly finished. Both hosts got roped into the Ice Bucket Challenge. There was also this little thing called Dragon Con. More later.

Deak’s Dirt? Rebels clips. Seriously, that’s it.

In Biggs’ Bull#*$&, the hosts recap the Episode VII panel at Dragon Con. Which consisted mostly of informed speculation.

Camie’s Concerns this week is a recap of the Star Wars happenings at Dragon Con. There’s a lot of panel audio you can listen to, including:

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and

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Tosche Station on Location: A New Hope – Who Was Luke Skywalker?


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The last panel we recorded from Dragon Con was a look at Luke Skywalker. Panelists Paula Rosenberg, Nanci Schwartz, Robin Smith, Bryan Young, Sarah Dempster, and Thomas Harper look at perhaps the most underrated character in the saga: the hero of the Original Trilogy.

Tosche Station on Location: EU Authors are Legendary


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Authors Mike Stackpole, Dave Wolverton, Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Christie Golden, and Timothy Zahn discuss their thoughts on the Expanded Universe moving to Legends status and field questions from the audience about their contributions to the Star Wars universe.

Tosche Station on Location: All the Single Ladies


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The topic is sexism and representation in Star Wars and the fandom as a whole. Janine Spendlove, Amy Ratcliffe, and Kathryn Hinds join Tosche Station’s Nanci, Bria, and Brian to discuss the portrayal of women in Star Wars and the numerous marketing blunders committed in the last year.

Tosche Station On Location: Farewell Clone Wars and Hello Rebels


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From Dragon Con, we’ve got panel audio from the Star Wars track’s Clone Wars and Rebels panel. The panelists include our own Bria, Amy Ratcliffe, Brian Nowicke of EUCantina, Riley and Bethany Blanton, and Tom Hutchins of the Mandolorian Mercenaries.

The panelists discuss their favorite moments and characters from the Clone Wars and preview what they’re looking forward to in Rebels.

Stay tuned for more panel audio!

Tosche Station at Dragon Con

Dragon Con logoIt’s nearly the most wonderful time of the year–Dragon Con, that is! Once again members of the Tosche Station staff will be in attendance at the largest gathering of geeks in the Southeastern United States. For those not in the know (or who didn’t listen to our Dragon Con preview podcast last week), Dragon Con is held Labor Day weekend in Atlanta, Georgia, and features fan tracks from Alternate History to Young Adult Literature.

The Star Wars track, run by Brandy Roatsey and an intrepid team of volunteers, has its home base in room A706 in the Mariott. Stop by to marvel at their always entertaining room decorations and stay for panels featuring Star Wars authors. This year the track is hosting a new event–the Suits, Sinatra, and Star Wars cocktail mixer–on Friday night, which is sure to be a dapper fun time.

new dawnBrian, Nanci, and Bria will be on several panels. Stop by and say hello, and also for a chance to win one of 25 signed copies of the ARC of A New Dawn by John Jackson Miller!


  • 1 pm: A Farewell to Clone Wars, and Hello Rebels – Bria (Mariott  A706)
  • 4 pm: All the Single Ladies – Brian, Nanci, and Bria (Mariott A706)
  • 7 pm: An Introduction to Costuming – Bria (Mariott A706)


  • 4 pm: Episode VII – Brian and Nanci (Mariott A601-602)
  • 7 pm: Advanced Costuming – Bria (Mariott A706)


  • 11:30 am: A New Hope: Who Was Luke Skywalker – Nanci (Mariott A706)

Don’t forget the Appreciating Aaron Allston and A.C. Crispin panel, which will be held Sunday at 5:30 pm in the Hyatt International North ballroom.

We hope to see you there!


Tosche Station Radio #68: Women and Minorities in Star Wars


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It’s the first of two Dragon Con themed episodes! This week, we sit down with Aaron Goins in the mobile podcast command base (it’s a thing we just made up, run with it) to discuss the first few days of Dragon Con. We dispense with the usual format this week, but we do have an installment of Camie’s Concerns to bring to you.

While at Dragon Con, Nanci and I were on a Women and Minorities in Star Wars panel along with Luci Lockhart, Amy Ratcliffe, and our staff writer Bria. The hour-long recording has been included as a part of this podcast episode and we do hope you enjoy it.

Next week, we’ll be back to normal and should (hopefully) be featuring author Janine Spendlove to recap Dragon Con, talk about her books, and writing in general.