Fanwork Friday: Gangnam Style

Here at Tosche Station, we love the song/video “Gangnam Style.” We also love the internet parodies that have popped up since the song went viral. One of my favorites is called PSYwalker, and it’s exactly what you’d expect.

The same YouTube user, Khalid Shahin, also has a funny version with Han and Lando.

Seen a funny “Gangnam Style” parody? Post ’em in the comments!


Fanwork Friday: “Holding Out Hope” by Valairy Scot

I have a not-so-secret guilty pleasure ship (and I’m talking about the relationship kind here): Obi-Wan Kenobi and Asajj Ventress. While everyone else ships Obi-Wan with either Siri or Satine or another random character, I prefer him with Asajj. I don’t actually think anything romantic will ever happen between them, but I love the complicated relationship they have on The Clone Wars. It’s one of disdain, but also grudging respect. And they work very well together.

“Holding Out Hope” by Valairy Scot depicts a confrontation between Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Asajj. It’s a great study of my favorite character in The Clone Wars series, and a great exploration of Obi-Wan’s desire to redeem her. It’s hard not to hear his impassioned pleas to Anakin in Revenge of the Sith while reading this fic.


If you’d like your fanwork to be featured on Tosche Station, please send an e-mail with the subject “Fanwork Friday” to Include a brief description and, of course, a link! 

Fanwork Friday: Beside the Dying Fire

In Nanci’s world, Sunday is really Friday. (Or she lost track of the days and is a failure at this column.) 

It’s no secret that I dislike the Legacy of the Force series. It’s no secret that I hate that Mara died. However, I do like fanfics that use Mara’s death as a basis for wonderful character exploration and missing scenes. This story, by salanderjade, does exactly that. It is an extension of the scene at the end of Revelation, in which Ben overhears his father talking to his mother’s Force ghost. I understand why Karen Traviss wrote the scene from Ben’s POV, but I would have loved to know exactly what Mara said to Luke. I’m glad that writers like salanderjade attempt to answer that very tough question.

Beside the Dying Fire

Fanwork Friday: “Marchin On”

Do you like fanvids? Do you like Harry Potter? If so, then this is the fanwork you’ve been looking for! “Marchin’ On” was uploaded to YouTube in November 2010 by Hanna (dazzleme7), and since then has had over 1.2 million hits. It’s one of the best fanvids I’ve ever seen from any fandom, and captured the spirit of the Harry Potter franchise so incredibly well. I loved the video so much that, after watching it, I downloaded the song to my iPod.
