A Statement on our Marvel Comics Coverage

Today, Marvel Comics made the decision to fire Chuck Wendig from two announced comics issues and a yet unannounced book. This decision was made by Marvel in response to Wendig strongly pushing back against hatred, bigotry, misogny, and racism in our community and world. Suffice to say I vehemently disagree with this choice, one that was made to appease the worst among our communities. Because of this I have made the editorial decision to drop all Marvel comics related coverage from both our blog and our podcasts.

In a world that is becoming increasingly inflamed with hatred towards minority populations, I cannot in good conscience allow our platform to provide coverage for a company that is demonstrating such callous disregard for so many of its readers. The actions Marvel demonstrated today runs counter to everything our blog and podcast network stands for. 

A note from the editor

About eight months ago, I published a post detailing rather abhorrent behavior by individuals nominally aligned with the Bring Back Legends/Give Us Legends movement. In the time since, members of that movement have decided the way to prove that harassment at Dragon Con 2015 didn’t happen was to engage in further harassment. Over that time I’ve received a near constant stream of abuse, harassment, and more recently, threats. While others may be able to shrug that off, I’m not one of those people. I’ve been open with my struggle with depression and anxiety. The never-ending abuse in the form of Tweets, emails, YouTube videos containing vulgarities and slurs that no one should be forced to endure has forced me to prioritize my health and well being. The vast majority of this abuse I have not shared anywhere.

Effective Sunday, April 17th, I’ll be stepping away from TSR and the blog. I’ve set a minimum one-month hiatus for myself, but my health is the first concern and if that window needs to be extended or be permanent, it will be. Here’s what this means to you.

  • Nanci will be assuming sole editor duties over the blog
  • TSR will either go into hiatus after this weekend or another host will step in to do the show with Nanci
  • Western Reaches, Of Dice and Droids, and the Tosche Station Book Club will continue

We’ll see where we are in a month. I know stepping away is handing these serial abusers and harassers a victory, but at a certain point you have to take care of your own well being.

Fandom should be a place full of shared passion and joy. What myself and numerous others have been exposed to lately has been anything but. Remember, fandom is what you make it. Don’t allow it to become toxic, insular, and full of hate.


Tosche Station’s 2013 Highlights


Our second year was a busy one here at Tosche Station. Here are some of the highlights you may have missed:

Thanks for joining us in 2013 and we hope you’ll stick around next year!


Brian and Nanci apologize for the lack of content the past few days. They were involved in an unfortunate trash compactor mishap. They’re fine now (how are you?), and will resume normal posting tomorrow.


Housekeeping: Advertising on the Blog and Podcast

If you’ve taken a look over at the sidebar on the right or listened to the last episode of the podcast, you’re probably aware that we’re running with advertisements now. Specifically, we’re running Her Universe and Audible.com advertisements.

I’ve been hesitant to run with advertising on the blog/podcast for all sorts of philosophical reasons, but the reality is I could use a bit of help financially to cover the costs of webhosting and keeping the lights on here. Thankfully we can be picky with the ads we run, so we decided to chose these two programs because the products offered are pretty cool. Chances are you already know about Her Universe‘s line of geek-inspired wardrobe and jewelry aimed at female fans. Audible is an Amazon.com affiliate that sells digital audiobooks.

In the interest of full disclosure, here’s the breakdown of what we’re getting with these ads:

  • Her Universe: 10% of each sale (before tax/shipping) that originates from an ad on this site.
  • Audible.com: $10 for each free trial subscription, $25 for each paid subscription, 10% per single download.

As for what we’d be using this advertising money for, primarily it’s going to go to paying for our webhosting and domain registration costs. Occasionally we might use some of it to get some material (books, comics, movies) for the staff to review. Honest, we won’t be squandering this on the quarter slot machines in Vegas.

For reference, every 18 free Audible trial subscriptions that originate from the blog/podcast will pay for one year of webhosting for the blog. /ShamelessPlug

If you’ve got any questions or feedback (even if it’s that you don’t want to see us run advertising), feel free to leave a comment here in the post.

Tosche Station Radio Joining Majestic Giraffe Productions


I mentioned on Twitter last night that there are some big changes for the podcast coming in the next few days. I also said I’d be detailing the specifics this morning. Well, here we are, so let’s get to it.

Tosche Station Radio will be leaving the Solo Sound Network to join Majestic Giraffe Productions.

Nanci and I were recently given a new hosting opportunity that was extraordinarily generous and could allow the show to grow in new directions. Still, weighing this opportunity against the time we’ve spent with Solo Sound was extremely tough. We’ve been incredibly fortunate to be able to work with Austin and the rest of the Solo Sound staff. Without their framework and expertise, we couldn’t have made it four episodes let alone forty-four. Parting from Solo Sound to this new venture is exciting, bittersweet, and one of the hardest decisions we’ve had to make since we started the podcast over a year ago. We can’t thank Solo Sound enough for putting us in a position to succeed and thrive.

What does this mean for the podcast, though? More after the jump.

Continue reading

Tosche Station Talking 2012 Geeky Entertainment Today

Did you know we livestream all of our Tosche Station Radio podcast recordings? You should join us in the chat and shoot us questions and comments live!

Today, we’re sitting down with Shane and Bria to talk the geeky non-Star Wars entertainment of 2012. We’ve got our own list of things we’ve enjoyed this year, but what about you, dear listeners? If you’ve got something you’ve enjoyed, leave us a comment here or join us in the chat at 5PM Pacific to take a look back at 2012 in geeky fun!

Announcing a new feature: “Bake It So”

Like many features on this blog, our new column started as a discussion on Twitter, and much like Bria’s epic re-read of the EU, it wasn’t serious until the Captain of the Blog decided that it was a fantastic idea and we needed to do it. Apparently, he’s not done enacting revenge on Bria for her costume enabling, and revenge is falling on me for my failure to finish a certain Karrde/Shada fanfic that I was writing.

All this started with my attempt at making pumpkin pie from a real pumpkin. That didn’t go too well, but pumpkin pie was later achieved, and Brian thought this was wonderful, and somehow, the idea of geeky recipes started floating around. Personally, I think this is just a ploy on Brian’s part to have a list of things that he knows Bria and I can make so when the Tosche Station staff gets together, he can start bribing us into making him awesome food.

So stay tuned for our new recipe and cocktail feature: “Bake it So” and join us tomorrow for our first recipe: “Come to the Dark Side: We have (Chocolate) Cake!”

FYI: Tosche Station’s Social Media Options

Heather over at Zhobot and Dunc at Club Jade alerted me to an issue regarding our Facebook page a little earlier today. Long story short, unless I pay Facebook a rather large sum of money, our link posts there will only hit about 15% of people subscribed to us. Given that I’m already shelling out cash for web hosting, I’m in no particular rush to give Facebook money for a service that used to (and still should) be free.

So if you’ve noticed our posts aren’t appearing on your Facebook timeline as much or at all, you can keep in touch with us in one of two ways. First, you can follow us on Twitter. Second, you can subscribe to our newly created Google+ page. We’ll keep updating the Facebook page, but you may want to give us a follow at one or both of the other options just in case.

Finally, if there is interest, we’ll consider starting up a Tumblr page. If you’d like to see that, let us know in the comments.