Resistance Review: The Breakout

As we end 2019, I’m happy to say that we’re wrapping up the year the same way we started it. That’s right folks: at least for now, Star Wars Resistance is good again.

This week’s episode picked up right where last week’s “The Missing Agent” left off, showing us what happened to Yeager, Synara, and a thankfully, apparently repaired CB-23 in the wake of their fight with bounty hunter Ax Tagrin. Left without no one to rescue them except Kaz and Norath Kev (voiced by the always delightful Daveed Diggs), one might be forgiven for assuming the First Order had them in their clutches. But fear not, fellow fans – competent Kaz is back in action.

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Resistance Review: The Missing Agent

The Skywalker Saga might be over but that doesn’t mean that Star Wars is! Who would have thought only a few years ago that we’d be watching both a new Star Wars movie and have episodes from two Star Wars television shows on either side?

This week’s episode of Star Wars Resistance moves the plot forward a bit with an episode that actually delightfully ends on a cliffhanger! The Colossus picks up a distress call from someone named Norath Kev on a Resistance frequency. Kaz, CB, Yeager, and Synara go to check it out only to find that Norath has been captured by the bounty hunter Ax Tagrin… and that it’s definitely a trap! Continue reading

Resistance Review: Station to Station

It’s funny how much better this show gets when we get an episode with Tam. Sure, “Station to Station” doesn’t quite hit the same highs as “Rendezvous Point” but it’s definitely one I enjoyed more than the previous two episodes combined and yes, that’s because Tam was there.

Tosche Station: We have a Tam Ryvora Agenda

The Colossus is in trouble and needs a crucial part fast or else everyone aboard is going to die horribly. Their solution? Send Kaz and Neeku to sneak aboard a similar refueling station to steal one. The problem? 1) It’s under First Order control. 2) Tam and Rucklin have been sent there on a supply run too. 3) Also General Hux is there? Continue reading

Resistance Review: Kaz’s Curse

I don’t want to write this review.

There was a time when Star Wars Resistance was my favorite thing happening in Star Wars. Great books, The Last Jedi, news about new TV shows – none of it topped watching what Kaz, Tam, and co. got up to every week. I woke up early on Sundays to watch it (and I don’t wake up early).

And now, in the year of our Force 2019, watching Star Wars Resistance is a chore. This was a bad episode, and this has turned into a bad TV show.

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Resistance Review: Rendezvous Point


(Unfollow me now, this episode is gonna be the only thing I talk about for the next week.)

Listen. Here at Tosche Station, we have an agenda and that agenda is Tamara Ryvora. We’re very subtle about it, I know. The point is… we’ve all very much missed having Tam involved in this show for the last few weeks especially given, as Chris pointed out last week, she is featured so prominently in the marketing for this season. I am pleased to report that the riot has been cancelled and she is indeed back this week in what just might be one of the best episodes of the show thus far. Continue reading