Resistance Review: Fuel for the Fire

When last we met our intrepid hero, Kaz, he was demonstrating his eagerness to be a spy and his resistance (see what I did there?) to learning the trade of his cover identity.

The latest episode, Fuel for the Fire, finds Kaz still straining against the expectation that he work competently as a mechanic. He’s still obsessed with racing and intent on spying, but this week, we also see that he’s hungry for friendship. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The Triple Dark

Resistance‘s second episode focuses on Kaz’s covert mission on the Colossus–being a mechanic. He’s not good at it. Actually, he’s pretty terrible at it. (He’s also terrible at keeping his cover by talking about his mission in public.) Which is bad because a ship has come in with a need for a rush job. Tam is unhappy with his abilities as a mechanic, Yeager is disappointed with Kaz’s lack of dedication to his job, the inhabitants of the platform are annoyed by his antics, and Neeku is…well, Neeku. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The Recruit

It wasn’t all that long ago that we were bidding farewell to Star Wars Rebels and yet here we are now saying hi to Star Wars Resistance. With a new team at the helm and the implied promise of a fresher start, there’s a lot to like about Lucasfilm’s latest animated television show. Expectations (including our own) are high because, after all, it’s Star Wars but we’re certainly ready to embrace this latest batch of galactic heroes.a

But on to why you’re here: what did we think about the first episode? Continue reading