Hondo Caravan: Dathomir and Mortis

It’s all about arcs with today’s disc of episodes as we dive first into Dathomir and the Nightsisters and then into the Mortis arc.  My reaction to the two was… well, let’s just call it varied for now.  I wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise for you.

The idea of Sidious being mad at Dooku for having his own apprentice is rather hilarious given that he did the exact some thing with Maul to Plageuis.  This is basically the way of the Sith, after all.  But hey!  Sidious is going to be a hypocrite so now Dooku has to dispose of Asajj.  This will clearly end well.

Being a sucker for Dathomir and how it’s portrayed in the Expanded Universe books, I was unsure if I was going to like how the Clone Wars portrayed it but so far, I find myself intrigued.  It’s an interesting take on the established Witches and Nightsisters that is actually able to work within the existing canon.  Planets are quite large after all so it’s not difficult to believe that there would be different sects in addition to different tribes.

If nothing else, the flashbacks that explain Asajj’s history make the entire episode worth it.  It adds some depth to her character that was previously lacking within the show.  Actually, the entire episode is a great showcase of the show’s villains who are albeit fighting each other instead of our heroes.  The movies definitely showed it off but it’s near to see what an incredibly master duelist he is.  There aren’t that many people who can fend off three invisible assailants by themselves.  Plus, I appreciate that he looks so dapper even in his pajamas.

I’m intrigued to see how this quest for revenge plays out in future episodes.

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Hondo Caravan: Ziro’s Last Hurrah

Bounty Hunters, Ziro, and Bad Decisions!  (Oh my!)  As we reach the halfway mark, it’s a handful of episodes filled with both Ziro the Hutt and a fair amount of politics.  Make of that what you will.

I sincerely appreciate how at the start of this episode, they animated Obi-Wan stroking his beard.  No insinuation, no joke there.  I just really appreciated the attention to an actor’s mannerisms.

Once again, we’re starting off the episode with Anakin and Ahsoka being separated from one another.  Honestly, when does he ever get to teach her anything?  On the other hand, at least we’re getting to see more of Padmé and Ahsoka together being friends.  They’re evolving towards such a wonderfully sister-like relationship and it makes me happy.

You know what else makes me happy?  Seeing Alderaan for the first time and hearing Leia’s theme as the musical cue in the background.  No wait, did I say happy?  I think I misspelled ‘emotionally destroyed.’

I’m not surprised that Aurra Sing is back though.  After all, this is the Greatest Hits of the Clone Wars.  What’s next?  Another Ziro episode?  For all my ribbing though, I did enjoy the episode.  It’s nice to see Ahsoka work her way through figuring out her visions and then figuring out how to act on them.  Padmé, on the other hand, must be 300% done with all the attempts on her life.

Okay, I need to clarify that I made that Ziro quip before Ahsoka had her vision at the end of the episode.  Honestly.

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Hondo Caravan: The Clone Wars’ Greatest Hits Album

Aaaaaand we’re off with Season Three of the Clone Wars!

Clone Cadets
I’ll admit that when I saw the episode title that I was worried that I was going to start screaming about how won’t someone think of the children again but no, there was no need for that.  Instead we’ve got an episode about some clones nearing the end of their training and who aren’t quite measuring up.

I get what they were going for with this much older clone that washed out of training and is a janitor now.  However, it just doesn’t work out mathematically.  Clones age at double the normal rate and there’s no way he could be quite as old and decrepit as he’s depicted here.

Also, I swear that one of the Domino Squad clones sounds vaguely more Scottish than the others.  Not that the clones are supposed to sound Scottish to begin with.  One of them just sounded like he had a bit of an accent.  It’s so strange.

Even though it’s predictable, this was an enjoyable episode.  I’m a sucker for seeing the apparent underdog figure out how to succeed especially when the secret comes down to teamwork.  I also can’t recall if this is the first episode where we saw Shaak Ti but if not, it’s definitely been a while.  I like her as a character and I like that she seems to have a good handle on being the General in charge of training.  She should be around more often.

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Hondo Caravan: No One Saw That Coming?

We’re wrapping up Season Two today with more Hondo and some super bad life decisions on the part of, well, most of the characters in the show.

Bounty Hunters
I’m already amused by the parallels between this episode and the MedStar duology and by parallels, I just mean that they are both stories that have to do medical stations in trouble near/on a planet with an incredibly valuable crop.  Okay, it’s a stretch clearly.

Hondo is back!  Although I don’t exactly know where he’s coming from calling bounty hunters scum since he’s, you know, a pirate…

“Let’s get down to business/to defeat the pirates!”  Honestly, I’m just waiting for Anakin to break out in song as he trains these farmers into soldiers.  It’s been a few years.  Please tell me that someone in the fandom has made this music video already.

Wait and now the metal suit pirate is actually just a small little ranat sized alien?  That is straight out of Men in Black.  I swear, is this entire episode just riffing off as many other films as they possibly can?

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Hondo Caravan: Welcome To Mandalore?

We’ve got a post a day early for you thanks to the holiday this week and… uhhh… Look, we finally arrived at the first of the Mandalorian episodes.  If you’ve seen the show before, need I say more?  Or actually the same applies if you paid even a little bit of attention to the fandom when these aired.  If neither of these applies to you somehow then…. well, just keep reading.

Lightsaber Lost
If you didn’t immediately start doing your best Obi-Wan “This lightsaber is your life!” Kenobi impression when someone stole Ahsoka’s, I’m pretty sure you were doing it wrong.

Ahsoka is really not good at subtle nor at undercover work.  In all fairness, I do sometimes forget how young she is but on the other hand, she does continue to worry me every time we see her act far too rashly and in anger.  I blame Anakin and knowing what he becomes for all my worry in regards to her.

The storyline of the patient old Master who moves much slower than everyone else and who able to teach the impatient young one something new is a clichéd one but it works for Ahsoka.  It’s a filler episode to be sure but that doesn’t make it bad.  I love that the old master’s cane is his lightsaber.  I’m surprised that Yoda didn’t do that too.  Maybe that’ll be the next retcon.

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Hondo Caravan: And Now Barriss!

Season Two continues along with episodes filled with not only a bunch of awesomely badass female Jedi (oh and the male Jedi too I guess) but also the return of General Grievous! Okay, let’s be honest: I was mostly just excited about the appearance of one Jedi in particular.  I bet the title gave it away.

Landing at Point Rain
I will never get enough of Master Luminara being 300% above everyone else’s bickering and silliness.

This episode features the return to Geonosis which really makes me wonder about everyone’s mental state.  I don’t say that to be flip because I am genuinely curious.  Many of the clones fighting in this episode were likely part of the first Battle of Geonosis and all of the Jedi except for Ahsoka were also a part of the fight.  A lot of people died that day.  I can’t help but wonder if any of them are experiencing some form of PTSD or if they’re struggling with the memories.

I know, I know.  Shut up, Bria.  This is a kids’ show.

On the other hand, I feel like I get Obi-Wan here as he sighs at Anakin and Ahsoka’s game to see who can destroy the most droids.  I understand that it’s a way to deal with the horrors of war but I also definitely see where Obi-Wan’s sighs are coming from.

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Hondo Caravan: Not The Children!

The weather outside might be frightful (well, in some parts of the world) so clearly the best way to counter it is to watch some more Clone Wars!  Season Two is off to a solid start as Cad Bane enacts more of his dastardly plans!  Okay, maybe they aren’t all that dastardly or even really his plans but that would’ve stopped me from using the phrase ‘dastardly plans’ which would’ve been a crying shame.

Holocron Heist
Sometimes this show has some really good episode titles.  This is one of them mostly because it sounds so delightfully campy.  It wouldn’t feel out of place as the title for a pulpy detective novel.

The episode itself, however, decidedly does not get off to a good start for Ahsoka.  She really is a good temperamental fit with Anakin.  They both have this stubborn mindset where they are convinced that they know right and can win.  I have a feeling that I’ve commented on this before but I just keep finding more and more reasons to like what a good match they are.  And how Obi-Wan is inevitably left sighing as no one listens to him.

Cad Bane has a really well done character design and aesthetic but I still haven’t warmed to him as a character yet.  Mostly, I’m left just shrugging.  He doesn’t have quite the same charisma as Hondo but then again, who does?

Something that I did really like about this episode though is that it brought things back home again.  We had that to an extent last episode too but this felt different as it was more directly tied into the war effort.  It’s neat to see how things are proceeding at the Jedi Temple while the majority of their members are out fighting for the Republic.

Also, has anyone noticed that one of the hallmarks of this show is the high number of sassy droids?  You had noticed?  I thought I noticed you noticing.

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Hondo Caravan: Ziro Strikes Back

Aaaand we’re wrapping up Season 1 today with 6 action packed episodes!  It’s amazing how fast episodes go compared to books.

Blue Shadow Virus
Get in losers, we’re going to Naboo!  I’ll just be over here doing my happy dance over a) more Padmé, b) more Naboo, and c) Captain Typho!  I feel like a broken droid at this point because ughhhh Jar Jar Binks and his stupid antics are irritating.

I always love getting to see more of the Naboo but I am a little confused as to why they chose to create a new Queen just for the show.  It’s puzzling to me why they didn’t use either Jamilla or Apailana especially since I thought terms were for four years.

This episode had a good story line with the race to stop Evil Doctor Dude from releasing a terrible virus upon the planet (and therefore the galaxy).  I think we’ve established by now that all I really need in an episode is Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padmé, and Ahsoka and then either a planet that I love or the addition of the Jedi that I love.  It’s like you know me, Clone Wars.  Well, except for that Jar Jar thing.

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Hondo Caravan: Begun the Clone Wars Have

Welcome to the very first stop on the Hondo Caravan!  This week, I started from the very beginning and boy was this interesting.  I’ve got a couple of notes before we get into the individual episodes though.  First, several people made comments on the introduction post asking why I wasn’t doing the episodes in chronological order.  The easy answer is because I don’t feel like it.  The longer answer is that watching the show one disc of episodes at a time is much easier for me to do.  I’m also trying to avoid looking at anything Clone Wars related online for fear of further spoilers.  Also, this happens to be my project and I feel like watching them in air order.  Second, I’ve decided to watch the Director’s Cut version of episodes whenever they’re available.  I’ll be sure to note when that’s the case.

Housekeeping is over so on with the show!

The Clone Wars Feature Film
I have to say, it’s strange hearing some of the same voices and some different voices from the films.  It’s a strange sort of simultaneous continuity and break of continuity.  There’s a part of me that finds it hilarious that what was basically an oversized pilot episode was put into theatres.  Mostly, this feels like three episodes edited together.  Most people on Twitter were pretty down on this film.  In my current context, I didn’t find it awful.  I just didn’t think it was the best.  On the other hand, everyone’s assurances that it gets better are quite promising.

I know a large part of the premise of the show rests upon it but I think Yoda and Obi-Wan might’ve been hitting the booze bottles a liiiiiiittle too hard if they really thought that giving Anakin Skywalker a padawan was a good idea.  It’s hard to think of Jedi less suited to it than him.  Sorry.  Apparently I just make fun of Skywalkers and their abilities to deal with children like it’s my job.

Ahsoka’s outfit bothers me a lot because why in the world is she wearing a bandeau top?  She’s what?  14?  An entire shirt would’ve been nice and, as any woman knows, strapless tops are not the best at staying up.  I do, however, super dig her reverse grip Shien lightsaber combat style.  It makes me think that she’d be amazing at Jar’Kai or Form Six with a shoto.

I was, however, completely and utterly unprepared for Ziro the Hutt.  Just… what.

Overall though, this wasn’t a bad start to the show and this blogging project.

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The Hondo Caravan: Bria’s Watching The Clone Wars

One year ago today, I made a very poor life decision: I decided to reread the Star Wars Expanded Universe.  That train wreck (did you see what I did there?) resulted in what has become known as the Waru Express.  It was a 7 month journey through 130 books with my commentary that ranged from squeeing to flailing to ambivalence to headbashing to gross sobbing.  It seemed to amuse and entertain a good number of people.

Good news, folks!  I’m doing it again.  No, don’t give me that look.  I’m not rereading all the Expended Universe books again.  Instead, I’ll be watching The Clone Wars from start to finish.  So don’t be shy: come aboard the Hondo Caravan!

There are going to be a few differences between the Waru Express and the Hondo Caravan.  The Hondo will have a much steadier pace because my fast reading speed is of no use here and I cannot watch an episode any faster than anyone else.  I’m also coming into the show relatively blind.  I watched the film and saw some of the first season episodes a few years ago but that’s it.  There are some things (such as the finale) where I just couldn’t avoid spoilers but for the most part, I really don’t know much of anything.  (So sorry, Waru groupies: there will no be encore to the Crystal Star event this time.)  If Season Six becomes available in a timely fashion, I’ll definitely add those episodes to my watch through.

A few things will stay the same.  I’ll be watching about 6 episodes or however many episodes are on a disc and then posting my thoughts and commentary on them.  I’ll be posting about once a week, give or take a bit depending on my schedule.  You’ll also be able to follow my progress in relative real time again on Twitter @chaosbria or the hashtag #HondoCaravan.

So sit back and enjoy my latest trip into madness and enjoy your stay aboard the Hondo Caravan!

Check out the master list of episodes/future review links after the jump!

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