Resistance Review: Kaz’s Curse

I don’t want to write this review.

There was a time when Star Wars Resistance was my favorite thing happening in Star Wars. Great books, The Last Jedi, news about new TV shows – none of it topped watching what Kaz, Tam, and co. got up to every week. I woke up early on Sundays to watch it (and I don’t wake up early).

And now, in the year of our Force 2019, watching Star Wars Resistance is a chore. This was a bad episode, and this has turned into a bad TV show.

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Resistance Review: Rendezvous Point


(Unfollow me now, this episode is gonna be the only thing I talk about for the next week.)

Listen. Here at Tosche Station, we have an agenda and that agenda is Tamara Ryvora. We’re very subtle about it, I know. The point is… we’ve all very much missed having Tam involved in this show for the last few weeks especially given, as Chris pointed out last week, she is featured so prominently in the marketing for this season. I am pleased to report that the riot has been cancelled and she is indeed back this week in what just might be one of the best episodes of the show thus far. Continue reading

REVIEW: Resistance Reborn (Audiobook)

Audiobooks aren’t my usual means by which to consume media but when presented with the opportunity to get an early copy of Rebecca Roanhorse’s newest gift to the Star Wars universe, I jumped at the chance. In fact, my response to the possibility was just the word “WANT” in all caps in response to the offer.

I am happy to report this book did not disappoint.

It was, indeed, a gift. But maybe not one I should have turned on while driving in Seattle rush hour. Continue reading

Review: Resistance Reborn

If I had to describe Resistance Reborn by Rebecca Roanhorse in one gif, it would be this one:

Resistance Reborn picks up mere days after The Last Jedi ends. The Resistance is in shambles and able to fit entirely upon the Millennium Falcon plus a few starfighters. No one responded to Leia’s call for help but hope still remains. She’s been fighting for freedom for a long time and there are still some favors she can call in. The First Order hasn’t won yet and Leia Freaking Organa’s not about to let them. Continue reading

Resistance Review: Hunt on Celsor 3

So, it turns out — and stop me if this is too shocking — that having pirates on board your ship isn’t always a recipe for success.

Who’d have thought?

In this week’s episode of Star Wars Resistance, “Hunt on Celsor 3,” we learn exactly how much the residents of the Colossus are willing to put up with as they run from the First Order. The problem is, it’s not much. Continue reading

Resistance Review: Live Fire

It’s Griff who speaks the line that sums up the theme of this week’s episode. When Freya makes the comment that she, “didn’t know Imperial Pilots were so concerned about one other,” he answers plainly:

“We weren’t; that’s why we lost.”

“Live Fire” was all about teamwork; it was about team building, trusting your own better nature and that of your colleagues, and learning that we’re all stronger together than any one of us could be all on our own. Continue reading

Resistance Review: A Quick Salvage Run

Will someone please just treat Tam Ryvora with the love and respect that she deserves and not lie to and manipulate her? Please? Someone? Anyone?

This week’s episode of Star Wars Resistance, “A Quick Salvage Run”, picks up quite soon after the previous one. The Colossus is rapidly running out of supplies including coaxium. They have just enough to make the hyperspace jump to D’Qar where there was a Resistance base. Problem is… the events of The Last Jedi have already begun and there’s nothing left but the remnants of a space battle. Without enough coaxium to make another jump, they’ve got no choice except to hope they can salvage some from the remnants of the First Order’s dreadnought and also hope the First Order doesn’t find them first. Continue reading

Review: Spark of the Resistance

The Rise of Skywalker is coming which means our Journey has begun. (Get it? Get it?) Last week, Lucasfilm kicked off their publishing program with Spark of the Resistance by Justina Ireland, a middle grade novel from Disney Lucasfilm Press. Rey, Rose, and Poe are on their way back from a supply mission when they receive a distress call and decide to investigate. Soon, they find themselves pulled into a fight back against the First Order as our heroes race to stop them before they can find a weapon that could spell disaster for the Resistance.

Oh yeah. And also, there are green murder rabbits. Continue reading