Review: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

If you’re a Star Wars fan, you probably at least know of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, the groundbreaking BioWare RPG that’s still beloved by thousands to this very day and for good reason: it’s damn good. In his first book, journalist Alex Kane dives into the game’s history and its creation, offering a brief yet well-researched oral history of Knights of the Old Republic, showing why it’s so special and why people still play it well over a decade later.

There’s a little bit of something for everyone within these pages whether you’re more of a Star Wars person or more of a BioWare person. (And if you’re both, you’re golden.) The book focuses on the first game and barely mentions Obsidian’s sequel which came out the following year but the tight focus is to its advantage. It’s a fairly quick read but makes good use of every page. As a long time fan of Knights of the Old Republic (aka KOTOR) who considers it to be one of her favorite games of all time yet never really looked into anything behind the scenes for it, the book was a quick yet fascinating read that goes all the way back to the game’s genesis. I was relatively young when KOTOR first came out and didn’t really grasp how revolutionary it was to have the dialogue fully voiced instead of just as text on the screen. No matter how well versed you are in the history of the game, you’ll likely learn at least a new thing or two about it. (I learned far more than that!)

Kane talked to just about all of the major players in KOTOR’s development, from Mike Gallo of LucasArts to James Ohlen of BioWare, and even spoke with voice actress Jennifer Hale who played Bastila Shan. The almost a dozen interviews have been supplemented with previous published ones, all meticulously cited at the end. The love that everyone had for both the game and the galaxy comes through without sugar coating the game-making process. In particular, concept art director John Gallagher seemed to hold nothing back and recounted not only being able to meet the incredible Ralph McQuarrie in a “life-changing” experience but also his dislike for Darth Malak’s final design. It all helps add a delightful sense of this being a true conversation; if you close your eyes, you might be able to imagine them reminiscing over a beer. Games are both an art form and hard work, something the book makes clear without putting one above the other.

Statement: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is out today from Boss Fight Books and is perfect for fans of the iconic game. It’s absolutely worth picking up. Come for the game’s history, stay for the HK-47 tidbits, meatbags.

Thank you to the author for providing an early copy of the book for review purposes. It is available for purchase through the publisher

Review: No Country for Old Gnomes

Two gnomes, a dwarf, a gryphon, a half-sheep woman, and a halfling set out one morning from a gnome refugee center. No, that’s not the start to a joke, it’s the start of an adventure in No Country for Old Gnomes, the latest entry in the Tales from Pell series by Kevin Hearne and Delilah S. Dawson. Everything’s not fine and dandy in Pell even now that King Gustave (who was definitely not once a goat because wow wouldn’t that be silly) on the throne. The gnomes are in trouble because of some very cruel halflings and it’s up to our new band of heroes to find a way to save the day. Hopefully. What could possibly go wrong?

In all honesty, a heck of lot of things go wrong for our heroes but it would make for a pretty boring story otherwise. And if you think a book by Hearne and Dawson is going to be boring, boy do I have a lake on Tatooine to sell you. No Country for Old Gnomes has the same irreverent sense of humor as the first book, combined with the same heart and soul as a new set of heroes embarks on a crazy journey. Continue reading

Resistance Review: No Escape Parts 1+2

It wasn’t that long ago that we all sat down to discuss the premiere of Star Wars Resistance and now here we are, mere months later, all ready to discuss the finale. Just like with that first episode, we’re doing this round robin style so keep on reading for all of our takes on not only the season finale but the first season in general.

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Review: Queen’s Shadow

Queen’s Shadow is the book I’ve been waiting twenty years to get to read.

When I first saw The Phantom Menace when I was nine years old, I instantly fell in love with not only Queen Amidala but all of her handmaidens too. I learned all of their names (Sabé, Rabé, Eiraté, Saché, and Yané!) and I eagerly consumed every last scrap of information I could find about their characters and even their actresses. Then, when Attack of the Clones came out, I added Dormé, Cordé, and Versé to the list and loved them all too. Eventually, I found my way to the online Star Wars fandom and found other women and teenage girls who also loved the handmaidens. I’m still friends with a few of them to this very day. Despite finding this community, the broader Star Wars fandom didn’t seem to really care about the handmaidens and the disdain of Padmé solidified after Revenge of the Sith came out in 2005. That was almost 14 years ago. Since then, we’ve been mostly deprived of new handmaiden content and Padmé gets spoken about as being less than some of the other Star Wars heroines.

That changes today. Continue reading

Resistance Review: Descent

We are definitely not in slow burn territory anymore. Star Wars Resistance is going full steam ahead and I am Here. For. It!

Although last week’s rescue mission went well, Kaz is in a brand new boatload of trouble. The First Order shows up at Yeager’s garage to arrest all of them for being a Resistance cell. Everyone gets away except for Tam who is arrested and also, coincidentally, the one truly innocent person in this whole mess. In an effort to save the station, Kaz and Yaeger hatch a truly absurd plan to try and break the communications blackout and get a message to the Resistance… they just have to get Captain Doza to agree. Continue reading

Review: Pirate’s Price

Pirate’s Price, written by Lou Anders and with illustrations by Annie Wu, can best be described as the ultimate Hondo Ohnaka book and honestly, I could not think of anything more perfect for a middle grade Star Wars novel.

A part of the expansive, cross-medium Flight of the Falcon project, Pirate’s Price follows Bazine Netal on her hunt for the Millennium Falcon which has conveniently taken her to Batuu and the one and only Hondo. He insists on telling her about his history with the Falcon: a misadventure involving Novian rubies in the Undervaults of Gwongdeen, a ship stealing escapade on Takodana, and a far more recent encounter involving porgs. So many porgs.  Continue reading

Review: The Afterward

The big Quest always gets all of the attention in storytelling but there are tales still left to be told about what happens after everyone returns home. The Afterward by E.K. Johnston gleefully delves into this mostly untapped time frame, just as the title indicates, delivering humor, friendship, adventure, and (most importantly) a love story and the world would be a better place if we had more books like this in it.

It’s been a year since Apprentice Knight Kalanthe Ironheart and thief Olsa Rhetsdaughter and the rest of their companions returned from their Quest to find the Godsgem to save the king. While the others are all full knights with a bit more freedom to adapt to being heroes of the kingdom in their own ways, it’s a bit harder for these two to go back to how life once was. Thieving isn’t as simple for Olsa anymore now that everyone knows her and the king’s reward only made a small dent in Kalanthe’s training debt. Will they remain separated by their own pride and honor or will they find their way back to each other again? Continue reading

Resistance Review: The Core Problem

The First Order is jamming all communication off the Colossus, so Kaz  — aka Lone Wolf — is trying to built a transmitter to break through the jamming and contact Poe Dameron with updates about the First Order presence on the station. Kaz isn’t great at building things, but that’s okay, because Poe Dameron just so happens to show up in Yeager’s hangar at the same time. He needs to take BB-8 on a mission to Jakku. JAKKU. You know, the place where The Force Awakens starts off. He’ll leave CB-23, that cutie, with Kaz to help complete his mission on the Colossus. However, Poe can’t just leave and be done with it. Kaz has intelligence that the First Order is up to something in a sector of the Unknown Regions. Theoretically, the First Order wants the Colossus as a refueling station or base, as it’s the last stop before the Unknown Regions. Poe decides they need to check it out before he heads off to Jakku, because he’s an overachiever. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The New Trooper

This first season of Star Wars Resistance has been a real slow burn–and in my opinion, that’s been the perfect way to introduce audiences to this show. As we watch the First Order begin to creep across the galaxy, the show responds by increasing the tension and getting darker, more ominous. This week’s episode, “The New Trooper,” is a perfect example of Resistance cranking up the atmospheric dread as we get closer and closer to the destruction of the Hosnian system. Continue reading