RIP Leonard Nimoy

It is with great sadness that we tell you the news that Leonard Nimoy, the great Spock, died earlier today from the end stages of COPD.

We can only say this: lines from Spock’s funeral from The Wrath of Khan:

We are assembled here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. And yet it should be noted, in the midst of our sorrow, this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world; a world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel this sacrifice a vain or empty one, and we will not debate his profound wisdom at these proceedings. Of my friend, I can only say this: Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most… human.

Bake It So…Kinda

warnogSo, this is awesome. just announced that Klingon Warnog – that is, Klingon BEER – is coming soon to the US and Canada.  With hints of banana, clove, and caramel, this should be a warrior’s drink.

Coming from Tin Man Brewery in Evansville, Indiana, you can also check out to learn about Vulcan Ale, brewed at Harvest Moon brewery in the United States, but sadly, available only in Canada.

As for the Warnog, I have only one thing to say:


A.C. Crispin bids farewell to her fans.

150px-TheparadisesnareA.C. Crispin, author of the Star Wars Han Solo Trilogy, posted a farewell to her fans yesterday on  Ann, who has written for a variety of franchises, including Star WarsStar Trek, Pirates of the Caribbean, as well as her own original Starbridge universe, made the announcement that her battle with cancer is nearing its end.

Crispin thanked her fans for their support and assured them that she was receiving excellent care, let them know that her husband was collecting messages sent to her, but warned them that she may not have the strength to post to her Facebook or website again.

In addition to being a prolific science-fiction writer, Crispin has also served as the Vice President of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and with colleague Victoria Strauss, founded Writer Beware, a offshoot of SFWA that helps writers avoid publishing scams and assists law enforcement in shutting down criminal activity in the publishing world.  She has also been a leader in ensuring female voices and representation among the science-fiction community.

Ann’s Star Wars resume includes the Han Solo trilogy and two short stories, one for both Tales of the Mos Eisley Cantina and Tales from Jabba’s Palace.

Review: Star Trek Into Darkness (SPOILER ALERT)

star-trek-2-into-darkness-poster Other people have been looking forward to Iron Man 3, Man of Steel, Pacific Rim, or any of a number of other blockbusters coming out the summer.

But today is shiny and perfect because today, ladies and gentlemen, is Star Trek day, and if I have one thing to say to you all it is this:

Go see this movie. RIGHT NOW. I know, a lot of the reviews have been bad, but really, I don’t know if these people were watching the same film I watched this afternoon.


Ready for a wild ride? Continue reading

J.J. Abrams discusses Wars and Treks with Jon Stewart

And part 2 here:

The interview covers a whole lot of ground, including the obligatory Trek versus Wars discussion and how it’s still really, really, really early in Episode VII’s production. So don’t expect any details about the film yet.

Via Club Jade