And here’s the international trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness, featuring some new footage. Of coure, right now we’d all like J.J. Abrams to just come out and say what we all already know. Khan. Cumberbatch is playing Khan. Just say it already. SAY IT.
Category Archives: Star Trek
Rumor/Spoiler: EW accidentally leaks Star Trek 2 villain identity?
Believe it or not, it’s a rumor that has nothing to do with Star Wars. We’ve all been wondering for months now, with breath just a little more baited after the Super Bowl teaser trailer…just who is Benedict Cumberbatch playing in Star Trek: Into Darkness?
Well, it turns out that Entertainment Weekly may have just accidentally let this carefully kept cat right out of the bag. According to The Atlantic Wire, as EW was working on updating their back issue pages, someone put a descriptor on the page.
So who is it? We won’t say right here, but if you’re ready for the big reveal, there be spoilers after the jump.
io9’s Morning Spoilers include Star Trek: Into Darkness
No, we still don’t know who our favorite Brit, Benedict Cumberbatch, is playing in Star Trek: Into Darkness. But io9 does have spoilers on certain characters who will be appearing in the movie.
Also in io9’s morning spoilers: news on Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, The Hobbit, and other shows.
‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ Teaser Trailer Drops
I’m pretty sure I just heard Emily screaming with excitement from the other side of the country.
Karl Urban Reveals Star Trek 2 Villain and Thor 2 news
Since possible spoilers abound here, I’ve kept pictures from the movie and all the information behind the jump. Click through for more.
Take a look, it’s in a book

I grew up reading, and one of my favorite television shows was, naturally, about reading–I watched Reading Rainbow for at least fifteen of its twenty-six year run, and remember certain books with a definite fondness–The Day Jimmy’s Boa Constrictor Ate the Wash, and one I became reacquainted with this weekend: When I was Young in the Mountains.
So for all of us who grew up reading (and who then recognized LeVar Burton when we saw him on Star Trek), fear not. Our children will not be deprived of Reading Rainbow, as Burton has been working since the end of Reading Rainbow in 2006 to create an app. At midnight, June 20th, the Reading Rainbow app will be available for the iPad.
Why am I posting this here? Well, because to my mind, reading has been pretty integral to being a geek.
And then there’s the part where a Reading Rainbow app is just cool.
Transporters, yea or nay?
Any geek who has ever been on a multi-hour road trip has at some point banged their head against the headrest and asked “Why hasn’t someone invented teleporters yet?”
I stumbled across a nice little article on Yahoo, linked from LiveScience that, while dashing our hopes for teleportation any time soon, has some pretty cool information on the quantum information teleportation that scientists can currently do, and theorizes that Star Trek-type transporting may be a matter of wormholes in the future. (The explanation of why we can’t use teleporters could be a plausible retcon explanation of why Star Wars is missing this piece of technology?)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
In other words, where have Emily and Shane been the last week? We took the week off to visit family in Iowa, but fear not, intrepid readers, because we got our geeky quota in by boldly going…to Riverside, Iowa.
Oh, the name doesn’t ring a bell? How about this: it’s the future birthplace of one James Tiberius Kirk.
We also managed to have a geeky event where we drove straight west during last weekend’s solar eclipse–as we came out of a thunderstorm, and experienced a confluence of cosmic events, watching lightning pale in comparison to the eclipse, and the eclipse itself resulting in the most massive, colorful rainbow I’ve ever seen. I wish we’d gotten a good picture of them! In any case, now back to your original programming.
Who Needs Holographic Tupac When There’s Holographic Lego Star Wars Battles?
Somebody get me this gigantic Star Wars strategy game
And a gigantic, wall filling touchscreen while you’re at it.
Credit to where credit is due, Fleet Commander was developed by Arthur Nisimoto, who has won himself more geek cred with this game than I could ever hope to accumulate in ten lifetimes.