The Clone Wars “Bad Batch” Story Reels are Now Online For Your Viewing Pleasure

The-Clone-Wars-Logos-ACWIA13131L-4Attendees at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim had the opportunity to watch unaired story reels from the unfinished “Bad Batch” arc of The Clone Wars and now those who were not fortunate enough to attend that panel can watch it as well. Earlier today the official site posted the story reels, giving us twenty-two and a half minutes of what could have been. You can view the story reels here and you can also watch the panel discussing the arc here. Enjoy!

Nanci and Brian take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Nanci was challenged by her friend Amanda, and Nanci in turn went and challenged Ashley Eckstein of Her Universe and staff writer Brian, which leads to…

…Brian extending the challenge to the Star Wars at Dragon Con team and the Star Wars Books at Del Rey team. You’ve got 24 hours!

Go to to learn more and help fight Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

If you’re excited about Rebels, go watch Gargoyles

So you’re eagerly anticipating Rebels but you need something to hold you over until it releases. Why not give Gargoyles a try? Gargoyles was one of the first shows that Rebels executive producer Greg Weisman ran. It was, in a way, Disney’s answers to the dark and beloved Batman: TAS. As a bonus to viewers, it’s also essentially a Star Trek: TNG cast reunion (check out the IMDB sometime).

Now all three seasons are available streaming on YouTube thanks to Disney opening up the vault. Get an idea of what Weisman has to offer with this animated favorite.

The Fake Geek Girl’s Real Motivation: Murder

“Maybe [the Fake Geek Girl] is just a manifestation of the insecurities about the opposite sex. I mean, why else in God’s green Earth would anyone pretend to read Aquaman comics?”

Much has been said about the Fake Geek Girl meme and why it’s utterly bogus. But sometimes it takes a video to point out the silliness of it all. Cue Patrick Willems’ humorous video response to the mythical Fake Geek Girl. What possible motivation could a female have for faking an interest in geek culture? Clearly, the only explanation is murder.

If you think the Fake Geek Girl actually exists, be sure to post a comment on the video’s YouTube page so that the creator can make fun of you.

(Via io9)