Celebration Anaheim Cosplay Roundup

Conventions are the best places to see amazing cosplay, and Celebration Anaheim was no exception! You could see cosplay everywhere you went, from outside the convention center to the exhibit halls to walking down the street. And since (most of) the cosplay was Star Wars oriented, I actually knew most of the costumes! It was great seeing obscure EU characters right alongside dozens of stormtroopers.

Shoshana spotted Barriss and Luminara.

There were mash-ups galore, including muppet stormtroopers.

muppet troopers

Steampunk Lady Boba Fett.

steampunk fett

Sharp-dressed stormtroopers.


Evil Queen Sith.

evil queen jedi

And World War II era Luke Skywalker.

red 5

We saw people dressed as planets, like this duo as a landspeeder flying alongside the twin suns of Tatooine.


Kay from Fangirl Blog put together a secret Rey costume.


The Tosche Station crew got in on the fun, too. Bria dressed as Revan.



And friend of the show/House Organa co-founder Nic joined our Punk Legends photo shoot.

space trash

Rebels characters were everywhere, and the children were especially adorable.

kanan and ezra

sabine and ezraWe saw one of my favorite villains from the Legends universe, Ysanne Isard.


And finally, this older Han and Leia shows that cosplay is for everyone!

han and leia

You can see more of my cosplay photos below!



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