Celebration VI Begs You To Stay To The Bitter End

Don’t look now, but the Celebration VI staff have announced … an announcement.

Mark your calendars now, and don’t miss the Closing Ceremonies at Celebration VI.

If you’re planning on going to Star Wars Celebration, there’s something really special planned on Sunday afternoon, August 26th that you definitely won’t want to miss! Make your plans now to stay at the biggest Star Wars Party in the galaxy, and see what’s in store for the Closing Ceremonies!

This special event is planned for Sunday, August 26th, from 2:30-3:30PM on the Celebration Stage (Chapin Theater). See you there!

Certainly this will end well, promises of something “really special.” It’s not like fans would ever over-speculate as to what that something special might be and wind up disappointed when it doesn’t live up to the delusions of grandeur that had in their heads. So you know what, I’m just going to set the bar at some absurd level right now.

Something special = a Star Wars reboot helmed by a geek dream team of Joss Whedon and Christopher Nolan. With J.J. Abrams serving as executive lensflare producer.