Check Out Nanci’s Guest Post on Fan Fiction at Club Jade

Our own Nanci has a post up at Club Jade examining the media perception of fan fiction since the release of 50 Shades of Grey.

Until now, I’d couldn’t believe that the mainstream media hadn’t yet made the erroneous connection that fanfic = porn.  So an article on CNN entitled Fifty Shades of Grey shines light on erotic fan fiction”, I wasn’t that surprised.  But I still facepalmed; especially when I saw the accompanying photograph of Kirk and Spock.  The third sentence of the article states, “Welcome to the world of fan fiction, where fans tweak or add to existing series, novels and characters —oftentimes with a steamy twist” (emphasis mine).

It is the word “oftentimes” that bothers me about that statement.  Yes, I know there is erotic fanfic on the internet (refer back to Rule 34).  I’ve read it; heck, I’ve written it.  I don’t think “smut” (as it’s called) is anything to ridicule or look down upon, and I’m not ashamed to read or write it.  But that does not mean that the majority of fanfic is porn, and I hate that people will see novels like “50 Shades” and believe that is the case.

As a fanfic writer myself, the implication that all I’m doing is writing badly written porn really ticks me off. I’ve read some tremendous fan fiction that deserves praise for being well written fiction. So yes, I’m annoyed with 50 Shades and how the media is portraying fanfic.

Hop on over to Club Jade to read the rest of the article.