Cosplay Monday: Hawkblocked

Welcome back to another edition of Cosplay Monday where we find some cool looking costumes and share them with you to help brighten the start of your week.  This week, we’re turning to a costume from a little comic book that’s popular around here called Hawkeye.  Occasionally, when you’re a superhero, you end up having to fight in… shall we say less than your usual costume?  Actually, if you read the comic, you already know what’s coming behind the cut but you don’t, allow us to offer you this reference.  We salute you, Ryan, for your dedication to the Hawkguy lifestyle.


3 thoughts on “Cosplay Monday: Hawkblocked

  1. I wonder if you would show a 95% naked woman on your site? You guys seem to promote women rights (which I also support) so this doesn’t seem to fit into your narrative. Not that I am complaining.

    • Hi Jake,
      To the first question, it would depend on the costume and that goes for both genders. Personally (and I’m speaking for myself here) I have no problem with characters showing skin if it fits the character. My favourite Marvel character is Emma Frost if that gives you any context. My personal objection to the catsuit is that it’s just not logical for Mara to wear all the time. Kicking someone in the face in a leather catsuit wouldn’t work very well and there’s nowhere to hide any nifty gadets etc. It just doesn’t feel very Mara Jade to me.

      This particular Clint Barton costume is likely one of the only ones that will exhibit this level of nudity on the site in general and it has nothing to do with the costumer’s gender. (Heck, if a woman had been the first to pull off a Hawkblocked costume, she’d be the one I had featured.) I (and likely the other two writers on this site who enjoy the Hawkeye comic) just got a kick out of both the issue/art where this happened and someone taking up writer Matt Fraction’s challenge for someone to do an actual costume out of it at a convention.

      Hopefully that answers any of your questions/concerns. 🙂

  2. I only say this cause of your guys stance on Mara’s cat suit among some other comments you guys have said. Keep up the good work on your podcast and have fun planning your wedding.

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