Cosplay Monday: The Wampug

No, I’m not Bria. I might have begged Bria to let me have today’s Cosplay Monday post, because this was just too good not to share. I might be a newbie at cosplaying (I just bought my first pair of cosplay boots over Thanksgiving), but I can certainly appreciate a good cosplay when I see it.

But why should we limit cosplaying to humans? After all, dogs can cosplay too!

Presented by YouTube user StarWarsChick01: The Dread Wampug!

Look at this! Perfect fur, perfect horns, and putting this costume on a pug was a great choice–after all, that squished wrinkly face looks a lot like a wampa, and anyone who’s ever heard a pug snore can certainly hear the resemblance between their pup and Hoth’s snow terror. Apparently, she’s also made a bantha costume for Chubbs the pug.

My first thought was “I wonder if I could get Bria could make one of those for Truffles.” Because really, my brother’s pug needs a wampa costume. Don’t you agree?

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