We have more Star Wars costumes for today’s edition of Cosplay Week from Celebration VI! Unlike yesterday, we actually don’t know who these costumers are and this particular picture was snagged from Jan Duursema’s Facebook so if you know who they are, shout out!
Edit: You can find Darth Talon’s Facebook page here and Cade’s here. Great costumes, guys!
Take a look at these two perfect Darth Talon and Cade Skywalker costumers who look like they could’ve stepped right off the pages from the Legacy comics. The body pain on Talon is perfectly done and I’m incredibly impressed by the tattoos and the chest armor on Cade.
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Cosplayers are Allegra Torres and Matthew Penick
That’s us!
Darth Talon –> http://www.facebook.com/TheChainmailChick
Cade Skywalker –> http://www.facebook.com/Ribbons.Rivets
Thanks for the feature! Those costumes took ages to make and then put on for the convention so it’s really nice to be recognized