Dear Nanci for June 6, 2012

Welcome to the first-ever installment of Dear Nanci, an advice column about love, life, and fandom! Today we address how to meet a special geek, what to do once you have one, how to find time in your busy day for geeky pursuits, and what TV to watch. Onward! (Also, if any of you artist/design types would like to make a banner to use for this column – please do so! We’ll love you forever!)

Leia Flatt asks:

Dear Nanci:  Where do I locate a good-looking, well adjusted geek to date? Not much to ask, I know.

Immediate snarky response: If I knew the answer to this question, I would be busy doing things other than writing this column!

Actual response: Conventions are a great place to meet fellow geeks, both for friendships and romantic relationships. The problem, of course, lies in the fact that you might make a great love connection and then it turns out the other person lives in Alaska or something. (Which isn’t bad if you also live in Alaska, but is bad if you live in, say, Florida.) Personally, I’ve met a ton of “Star Wars friends” on Twitter, and look forward to hanging out with them at conventions throughout the year.

As for meeting local geeks, you could try comic book stores, book stores, or any other places where geeks might congregate. See if there’s a local branch of a fangroup, like the Browncoats, in your area. Are you into costuming? Get involved with organizations like the 501st Legion and Rebel Legion. Even if you don’t meet anybody you’d consider dating, you’ll at least make some great friends! Most important, the key is to be yourself. We’re geeks and proud. Someone eventually has to find that attractive, right? Right???


Cosplay Confused asks:

Dear Nanci, my husband wants me to cosplay, but I’m just not comfortable in costume. What should I do?

Immediate snarky response: Tell him to stop whining! If he keeps it up, he’ll never get to go to Tosche Station to get those power converters.

Actual response: Tell him that while you appreciate the fact that he wants to cosplay with you, you’re just not comfortable doing so. Maybe you can compromise and wear parts of a costume, like Vulcan ears or an SG-1 jacket, without going all out. Or, you could wear an outfit that is inspired by a costume that you like, for example Captain America’s uniform or Iron Man’s armor. There are many of these outfit ideas on Tumblr! And if all else fails, make a t-shirt that says “I love my cosplayer” and follow him around a convention like a groupie.


Matthew Rushing asks:

How do you make time for all the geek things in life as well as work and a social life?

Immediate snarky response: Social life? Geek stuff is my social life.

Actual response: I have freakish time management skills. When I was in graduate school, I scheduled everything, including procrastination time. Seriously. I did. Don’t laugh at me.

Point being that you have to make time for the different things in your life. Work is the most important, as you need money. If you can combine your job with geeky pursuits, you’re a step ahead! If not, don’t fret. There’s still free time to watch TV and see movies and read or other geeky things you enjoy. You just have to make time for what you enjoy. If you like to write, do it every day.

As for having a social life, well, the majority of my friends also like geeky things, which makes sense because common interests bring people together. Some of my friends don’t, which is fine, because they all understand my interests just as I understand theirs. We always find something in common to talk about/do! And if you don’t have any geeky friends, you should get some! They are great! (See above advice about meeting geeks.)


Shannon asks:

Dear Nanci, I have a dilemma. I have finished Stargate Atlantis. What other shows should I watch on Netflix?

Immediate snarky response: What shows haven’t you watched? You should be writing instead!

Actual response: Jericho, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Mad Men, or LOST. All shows on my queue. 🙂

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