Episode VII targets early 2014 filming start


Collider.com caught up with Bad Robot producer Bryan Burk to discuss some of the production details behind Episode VII. Among the questions: Just when does filming start? Burk says that while things are fluid, they have a window in mind.

“We’re progressing on a schedule to hopefully begin next year, or the beginning of next year, and the location is still kind of floating around in the air all depending on script and a whole bunch of other issues.  As I just said, everything is kind of a free-flowing thing, and when we feel like the story level on this script and everything is really coming together and schedules are all working and pieces line up, we prowl ahead, and Star Wars will be no different.”

That would make sense, especially if summer 2015 is the target to get the new installment into theaters. Whether or not this holds up remains to be seen and like many other aspects of the film, depends on just what the Michael Arndt-written screenplay looks like.