EW: No TFA Trailer or Clips at SDCC

The Force Awakens LogoAnthony Breznican over at Entertainment Weekly has the scoop: there will be NO trailer or clips featured at the TFA panel at San Diego Comic Con.

First of all, the presentation this Friday afternoon will not include a trailer or any new clips of the movie. The next trailer will be coming in the fall, according to sources with knowledge of the project.

But don’t go hurling your cup of blue milk at the wall just yet. There will be other surprises.

No clips, bummer. Other surprises, you say? Go on…

Director J.J. Abrams, screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan, and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy are already confirmed as part of the panel, which will be moderated by Nerdist impresario and Talking Deadhost Chris Hardwick.

Although EW hasn’t learned just which of the cast members will be joining them, our spies say there will be several actors who haven’t yet spoken publicly about their roles venturing onstage in Hall H.

Fascinating! If I were to wager a guess, this could mean we’ll see some other new cast members on stage to discuss their roles in the film, similar to when Ridley/Boyega/Isaac showed up at Celebration to give a 30,000 foot overview of their characters. If that’s what’s going to happen, well, color me excited.