Francis Lawrence Offered Director Role for ‘Catching Fire’

With Gary Ross no longer in the picture for Catching Fire, Lionsgate Studios has offered I Am Legend director Francis Lawrence the gig according to The Hollywood Reporter.

It must be noted that it isn’t guaranteed that Lawrence will direct the sequel to this year’s biggest blockbuster hit. Lawrence has not accepted the offer yet and should he turn it down, Lionsgate will need to ramp up their search again to find a suitable replacement. Given their target of having the film hit theaters in November 2013, the studio will be hoping to have a definitive answer soon.

Other directors that were considered include Tomas Alfredson (Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy), Duncan Jones (Source Code), and Bennett Miller (Moneyball). Lawrence came out on top primarily due to scheduling availability.

If nothing else, hopefully this means less shaky-cam moving forward.

via Club Jade