Heather over at Zhobot and Dunc at Club Jade alerted me to an issue regarding our Facebook page a little earlier today. Long story short, unless I pay Facebook a rather large sum of money, our link posts there will only hit about 15% of people subscribed to us. Given that I’m already shelling out cash for web hosting, I’m in no particular rush to give Facebook money for a service that used to (and still should) be free.
So if you’ve noticed our posts aren’t appearing on your Facebook timeline as much or at all, you can keep in touch with us in one of two ways. First, you can follow us on Twitter. Second, you can subscribe to our newly created Google+ page. We’ll keep updating the Facebook page, but you may want to give us a follow at one or both of the other options just in case.
Finally, if there is interest, we’ll consider starting up a Tumblr page. If you’d like to see that, let us know in the comments.