Gender Swapped Wraith Squadron

You’ve heard us talk about it before and you’ve even seen a teaser picture but now, direct from Dragon*Con, we bring you the Gender Swapped Wraith Squadron featuring, yes that’s right, some of the Tosche Station staff!  We had an absolute blast getting the group together especially since we got to chat with the one and only Aaron Allston after a panel as the Wraiths.

Allston's Wraiths

The Wraiths with their creator!  Check out the rest of the photoshoot after the jump!

The entirety of Wraith Squadron (from left, going clockwise) with Nanci as Myn, Brian as Falynn, Brandyn as Tyria, Maggie as Wedge, Bria as Face, Shannon as Kell, Alana as Ton, Cati as Castin, Linh as Janson, and Sarah as Sharr.


Occasionally the Wraiths can have decorum and salute their commanding officers.  Occasionally.


Janson and Wedge: the fearless Rogues in charge of this new plan


“Is this going to be one of those units where there’s one male pilot, me, constantly pursued by every jokey with nothing better to do?”


“Oh, no offense, sir.  But piloting is for the young.  I’m sure Commander Antilles was very good in her prime.  She may have been the best pilot at one time, long ago.  And I know she’s a good trainer even today.  But, Commander, you’re what? Forty?”
Wedge managed to look amused and regretful at the same time.  ‘Twenty-eight.”
“Exactly!  Your reflexes are shot.  There’s only so far experience can go to overcome that handicap.


“Ton Phanan, Seven.  Face, Eight.  I want the majority of the squadron’s sarcasm concentrated in one wing pair so we can dispose of it more conveniently.”


Falynn and Myn  – “I say he’s sweet on her.  Want to bet?  I’ll give you three to one.”


“Sir, she, uh… she smells bad.”


Tyria being sneaky


Phanan’s chest did not rise or fall.  But her organic eye was still open, directed upward, and her expression-for once lacking pain, lacking the shields of sarcasm or manufactured self-appreciation- was that of a child wondering at the glittering beauty of the stars.
Face’s vision blurred as her own eyes filled with the first tears she’d shed since she was a girl.


“You know, pretending to be an Ewok is a felony on some worlds.”


“They sat, two officers each with one boot off, their feet up on the desk, for long moments of silence.”


“You can’t look dignified when you’re having fun.”


“Lieutenant, you’re out of uniform.  And you know, wearing an Ewok as a swimsuit is a felony on some worlds.”


Psych Ops for the Goddess

This picture is a Mercy Kill Spoiler so do not click unless you wish to be spoiled!

Bonus picture of Wraiths doing it Gangnam Style!


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