Her Universe Secures Expanded Universe Merchandising Rights from Lucasfilm

Under way right now is a chat on the Star Wars Books Facebook page with Her Universe founder and  The Clone Wars voice actress Ashley Eckstein. You should go there and read answers to things and such! Early on there was an announcement that’s sure to catch the eyes of Her Universe and Expanded Universe fans. When asked about potential EU gear in the future, Ashely responded:

YES! We are designing Several NEW Star Wars designs this year. Everything will be debuting in May. We are making shirts, dresses, jewelry…We have Rogue Squadron designs AND I am SO excited to announce that Lucasfilm has given us the rights to design shirts for the women in the EU, so expect more Mara Jade and Jaina Solo designs!

Rogue Squadron material launching in May, licencing rights to the Expanded Universe. If you’re a Her Universe fan, you’re appear to be in for some real treats.

6 thoughts on “Her Universe Secures Expanded Universe Merchandising Rights from Lucasfilm

  1. Unless they start selling international I don’t care. It feels like been shit on that they still haven’t gone international despite all the fans begging them to do so. :/ *sigh* I still hope, but my hopes have so far been dashed.

    • They are working to make international shipping a possibility but the reality is it’s going to probably involve getting distribution centers set up outside of the US and that’s likely well out of what they can afford right now. They definitely want to and I’ve asked Ashley about this specifically about it in the past. They want to, but they don’t have the resources to make it happen yet. Her Universe just isn’t a big enough company at this juncture.

        • They’re at the mercy of FedEx and the other international shippers. Whatever rate they charge to go overseas is the rate Her Universe have to pass along to international customers.

          • True. I meant to said “oil price”.

            International fan just have to bear with the fee, or turn away.

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