Holonet Blast #106

Not a lot of news dropped this week, but that doesn’t matter – it was Vanity Fair week! Just like for The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, Annie Leibovitz photographed the cast of The Rise of Skywalker. The pictures, as always, are gorgeous. There’s also a rather long article by author Lev Grossman, heavy on speculation but also with some new tidbits. The Knights of Ren are officially back; Keri Russell was “revealed” to play the masked scoundrel Zorri Bliss; Richard Grant is Allegiant General Pryde; there’s a year between TLJ and TRoS; J.J. Abrams commented on using archival footage of Carrie Fisher for new scenes with Leia.

Check out the photos and article here. My favorite photo, of the two coolest cats in the galaxy, is below.

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