Holonet Blast #115

Hello and welcome to another Holonet Blast! We don’t have that much for you this week but, well, D23 is coming so might as well enjoy the calm before the storm, right?

Speaking of D23, attendees can expect to be the first to experience Disney+ before it launches in November. There will be a spotlight panel on Friday, August 23 and a Disney+ Pavilion on the Expo room floor.

Attendees of D23 will also be the first to get a sneak peak at Vader Immortal: Episode II. That panel will also be on Friday.

And finally, while this isn’t *precisely* news, I’m going to talk about it here anyways. A Crash of Fate will be in bookstores everywhere tomorrow and we’ll have a review posted BUT! If you’re in the DC/Virginia area, consider coming out to One More Page on Saturday. I’ll be doing a Q&A with author Zoriada Córdova at 3pm and then there will be a signing with Zoraida afterwards. Plus, you’ll have the chance to support a wonderful indie bookstore. Come talk Star Wars with us! It’ll be fun!