Holonet Blast #21

This week in Star Wars news, we have items relating to the Han Solo film. the From a Certain Point of View anthology, and Marvel comics. Also a news item very fitted for my interest!

Kieron Gillan will take over writing duties for the Star Wars comic starting with Issue 38. Art will continue to be by Salvador Larocca. The two were the creative team behind the first Darth Vader comic series. Gillan also writes the Doctor Aphra series.

Wednesday, the Star Wars show announced that John Powell, composer of How to Train Your Dragon and the Bourne series, would be writing the music for the still-untitled Han Solo film.

Del Rey posted the final cover and author list for Operation Blue Milk, aka the From a Certain Point of View short story anthology.

Finally, Mark Hamill was honored by the City of San Diego with Mark Hamill day and a dedicated street in his honor. Hamill lived in the San Diego neighborhood of Clairemont during middle school and his freshman year of college. Personally, I think every day should be Mark Hamill Day!