The news week began with a bummer as word dropped that Michael K. Williams would not be able to make reshoots for the (still untitled) Han Solo film and his character would have to be cut as a result. Wonder if they could have kept him in if the release slipped to December?
The Star Wars Show this week brought some ship goodness in the form of a new First Order walker and fearsome Star Destroyer.
Never to be left out, the Disney theme parks are also getting in on Force Friday II.
Speaking of Force Friday II, get in on some augmented reality fun with the Find the Force AR event.
Excited about the upcoming Phasma novel by Delilah Dawson? So are we. Whet your appetite with an exclusive excerpt featured on the official site.
As a note, we’ll be taking the week off next week in honor of Force Friday II and all of the Porgs you’ll be buying but we’ll be back the Monday after.