Holonet Blast #35

Do you want some news? STAR WARS IS GONNA GIVE YOU SOME NEWS. I’ll be honest, I thought that I was going to have it easy this week after the news storm that was last week but apparently it was not to be and now I have to tear myself away from playing the Battlefront II campaign mode again to write this. (Iden Versio is perfect, y’all.)

Let’s start with The Last Jedi. Rian Johnson confirmed that The Last Jedi will have a 150 minute run time which makes it the longest Star Wars film yet. The press tour has started and we’re getting to hear some of the new cast members talk about their experience. This Kelly Marie Tran interview is my new everything and there’s a new Holdo picture in this Laura Dern feature. You can also see the new IMAX poster featuring Rey in Red. EW also released an article about the film along with four covers featuring assorted character pairings yesterday. I did not read it but have been assured of the feels it induces.

Jumping over to the Disney parks, we learned that Star Tours is splitting their eras into two different paths. Brian and Nanci already got to ride the new The Last Jedi part and I’m incredibly jealous. We also learned the name of the new planet we’ll be visiting in Star Wars Land: Batuu.

The world of Star Wars comics was rather busy this week. Marvel announced that C.B. Cebulski will be their new Editor-In-Chief. We also got previews of the forthcoming Thrawn and Storms of Crait comics. (Look at that Thrawn hair. JUST LOOK AT IT!)

In miscellaneous news, we got another excerpt from Canto Bight and Ron Howard is at it again with Solo teaser pictures.

And to close things out this week… Chuck Wendig made a lot of us shake our fists at the sky as we finally all realized that Mister Bones’ name is a pun. WEEEEEENDIIIIIIG!