Holonet Blast #40

It’s been a few weeks but the Holonet Blast is back! We took some time off for the holidays and to see this little film called The Last Jedi. You may have heard of it. It was the biggest film of 2017.

Solo will have music composed by John Powell but it will also have a main theme composed by John Williams himself.

If you are someone who runs or someone who is looking to be someone who runs but could use a little Star Wars-shaped motivation, prepare yourself: registration is open for the inaugural runDisney Star Wars Virtual Half Marathon. You can register for it through the end of February and complete it by March 31. Participants will receive an exclusive medal in the mail and can run anywhere; either do it all in one go or spread it out over several days. And if you’re planning on attending the Dark Side Half Marathon on April 22 at Walt Disney World, you can combine it with the virtual half marathon for the (brace yourself) Kessel Run Challenge. Yes, that is really what it’s called, yes, everyone in my family makes awful puns constantly, and, yes, I did groan at this one. Check out the link for more details.

In less athletic news, the official site has posted instructions for DIY porg nesting dolls! Like the run, you can make a friend and/or family event out of it, and like the run, you end up with a nifty Star Wars thing at the end!

Also Frank Oz is now on Twitter and is the hero we didn’t know we needed.

Until next time, goodbye and good luck in all your endeavors.