Holonet Blast #45

SOLO WHAT A MAN SOLO. Yeah. That’s basically everything in our Holonet Blast this week. Well… almost everything.

Let’s just get this first one over with: David Benioff and DB Weiss of Game of Thrones fame are going to be making a series of Star Wars films. We don’t know what they’re about yet but we do know that yes, this is yet another film(s) being written by white guys. Give us a little diversity behind the camera, please.

In better news, Iger says that there are several TV series currently in development. Star Wars is launching a new Force For Change campaign which gives you for first shot at Solo merch.

Disney also gave us some more insight into Galaxy’s Edge. You can buy toys from a Toydarian and I don’t know why this delights me so much.

And now… Solo. So much Solo. EW unleashed an onslaught of articles: Emilia Clarke talks Qi’ra, why Ron Howard, jumped on board, the rogues gallery, an elite droid, LANDO!!!, and some Han Solo. And with that, go watch the trailer again. Because you can.