Holonet Blast #48

Welcome back to another edition of the Holonet Blast! It’s was another quieter week so let’s get right to it.

The Official Site released the first excerpt from Last Shot and it features is ADORABLE and AMAZING and oh my god, I think most of the fandom already died from feels. Daniel José Older also talked to StarWars.com about working on the novel.

Entertainment Weekly gave us a first look at the deleted scenes that will be on The Last Jedi DVD and there are a lot of them. Can we have the DVD yet? Pleeeeeease?

In not confirmed but probable news, John Williams insinuated that Episode IX could be his last Star Wars film which would be sad but if the Rogue One soundtrack is anything to judge by, the future films will be okay.

We’re taking a detour away from Star Wars news for a moment but it’s still pretty relevant. The US release date for Infinity War has been bumped up a week so it’ll premiere in April instead.

And finally, in Oscars news, The Last Jedi won precisely no awards but the cast represented and looked good doing it. Oscar Isaac scratched BB-8’s belly on live television, Mark Hamill introduced himself to Gal Gadot, and Kelly Marie Tran look gorgeous and amazing and I’m pretty sure this video saved my life.

That’s all for this week! If you need me, I’ll be yelling at my phone about how we don’t deserve KMT.