Holonet Blast #49

Last week saw the end of Star Wars Rebels and the promise of a new live-action show. One thing’s for sure–we’re not going to have a dearth of Star Wars material to cover anytime soon. Let’s recap on the weekly Holonet Blast!

Star Wars Rebels came to a close with a two-part, hour and a half episode on Monday. The cast and creators discussed the finale in Entertainment Weekly, as well as what’s to come in Star Wars animation. Basically: we don’t know yet! But we will eventually. io9 also had the scoop on fan favorite Legends character Gilad Pellaeon who briefly appeared (offscreen) in the finale. Good news: he’s not dead!

Star Wars TV won’t be the sole realm of animation for much longer. Prior to last week’s earnings call, the official site announced that Jon Favreau will executive produce and write a new live-action TV series. What’s it about? Where’s it set? Who’ll be in it? Who knows! Like the previously-announced film series by Rian Johnson and the Game of Thrones showrunners, we’ll find out more about the live action show eventually.

Did you enjoy Leia: Princess of Alderaan? Do you like manga? Well,  you’re in luck! Claudia Gray’s novel is due for the manga treatment that was previously given to her novel Lost Stars.  It will be released, fittingly, on May 4.

Finally, in Solo: A Star Wars Story news, we might be getting the greatest advertising tie-in known to man with Solo branded SOLO cups. Also, Denny’s meals.

Ron Howard tweeted from the first scoring session of the film, which is due for release on May 25. Composer John Powell also shared a photo on Facebook. It was previously announced that John Williams will compose an original theme for Han Solo.

That’s all for this week! Be sure to share your best Solo-themed Denny’s meal names in the comments.