Holonet Blast #54

Welcome to a very video game and book centric edition of the Holonet Blast! I’d write some more stuff here but… EWOK HUNT MODE

That’s right, folks! There are updates coming to Battlefront II this week and while the appearances, ability tweaks, and all that are neat… YOU’LL GET TO PLAY AS AN EWOK. From the Community Transmission:

The ambush begins as the Ewok attacks the unsuspecting stormtroopers, using spears, Wisties, and whatever abilities they can muster to take down the intruders. Each defeated stormtrooper spawns as another Ewok, multiplying until the Empire’s forces have been completely eliminated, and the Ewok celebration can begin. Imperial forces will need all their training to survive until their evacuation arrives. Do so, and they’ll make it off of Endor and claim the win.

Our bodies are ready.

In further video game news, backwards compatibility is coming to Xbox One games on Tuesday including a bunch of old school Star Wars games such as Knights of the Old Republic and Republic Commando. If anyone needs me, I’ll finally be setting up the Xbox I got and buying KOTOR for a third time to play a game that’s well over a decade old.

Solo: A Star Wars Story products were revealed and (mostly) were made available for purchase on Friday so now you can go buy yourself a Black Series Lando and then take him to Denny’s with you for a Solo themed dinner.

Speaking of SoloLast Shot will be released on Tuesday. If you can’t stand the wait, you can check out an excerpt or go look at the awesome character cards made by friend-of-the-blog Heath! (We’ll also have a review of Last Shot tomorrow but trust me… you’re going to want to buy it.)